An Overview Of Our Solution
- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Africa
Organization type
Population impacted
Size of agricultural area
Production quantity
People employed
Describe your solution
Describe your implementation
External connections
What is the environmental or ecological challenge you are targeting with your solution?
Describe the context in which you are operating
Malawi with a population of 16.8 million and GDP growth of 5.7% in 2014 has more than 73% of the population living on less than US$1.25 a day. Malawi has a life expectancy at birth of 55.3 years and 10.8 years of schooling. The Gini coefficient, an indicator of inequality was at 0.462 in 2010 with rural areas having higher levels of inequality than urban areas. The country was ranked 134th globally based on purchasing power adjusted GDP per capita. The proportion of the poor in rural areas increased from 55.9% in 2004 to 56.6% by 2010, but on the other hand poverty declined in urban areas within the same period from 25.4% to 17.3%.
Malawi is ranked 37th among counties with highest under-five mortality rates in the world, despite that global trends have been declining. Malnutrition in Malawi is associated with: national and household food insecurity, heavy workloads and poor nutrition of mothers, recurrent infections, poor eating habits, and HIV infections leading to frequent illnesses. More than 60% of Malawian smallholder farming households are net food buyers, and face repeated cycles of seasonal food shortage. Agriculture accounts for a third of the Malawi gross national domestic product and 90% of export revenues and employment
How did you impact natural resource use and greenhouse gas emissions?
Food Security/Nutrition
Economic/Sustainable Development
Describe the economic sustainability of your solution. Does it rely on grant funding, government subsidies or market-based revenue? (750 characters max.)
The programmes have been supported by both government and donors. We envisage sustainability in that farmer’s decision making and knowledge in CA are developed through hands-on training. Lead farmers are selected from the communities whose knowledge and skills in honed through intensive training to ensure sustainability.