An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Africa
Umaru Musa Yar
Katsina state
Correo electrónico
Ocupaciones principales
Recursos locales de los que depende la comunidad y con qué propósito
Amenazas locales a los recursos
Riesgos climáticos
Nivel de sensibilidad
Nivel de capacidad adaptativa
The Regional Sustainable Energy Center of Excellence (RSECE) is a consortium following the suggestions of Kofe Annan a past Secretary General of the United Nations. The Type Two Partnership consists of governmental organizations, non profits such as university and tax exempts and for profit businesses. We are inclusive of the poor. One of the projects is called Enhancement of Extension Agents and Youth Vocational Training. The Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) did a study and states in the report that an Extension Agent typically has 7,000 farmers in his service area. Only a few of the larger farmers are given service in a year. This suggests that there are several thousand farmers that are not served or are under served. We are working to enhance the Extension Agent and deliver with ICT information for continued training of farmers for the needed food secruity. Poverty and Hunger Relief is the first listed Millennium Development Goal of the United Nations. This enhancement ought to include youth interns and some method of earning an income. RSECE has actions now ramping up for this effort. Our consortium
Costos ecológicos
Beneficio ecológico
Indicadores económicos utilizados para medir el beneficio
Greater than $1.00
Costo comunitario/social
Beneficio comunitario/social
Indicadores comunitarios/sociales utilizados para medir el beneficio
Costo económico
Extension Agents can provide methods and venues for the social or community cooperation and input of indigenous wisdom.
Beneficio económico
Several hundreds of dollars for various costs to add to donations, some of which has already occured.
Indicadores ecológicos utilizados para medir el beneficio
Global Trade is anticipated after local and regional demands are met. A Food crop and a Cash Crop that includes feedstock for bioenergy and fuels is a product in demand and can be a sustainable project beyond any grant.
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
Standard accounting methods are well understood.
Describa el proceso basado en la comunidad utilizado para desarrollar la solución, incluidas las herramientas y los procesos utilizados.
Poor to moderate.
Peligro climático de preocupación
¿Cómo reduce su solución la exposición y amortigua/protege el ecosistema afectado?
Changing temperatures and weather patterns
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
Appropriate actions to the forest area and arid areas are anticipated. Switchgrass can provide soil organic matter and reduce the encroachment of deserts. Three hundred pounds of three varieties have been delivered to Nigeria and will be planted in several different areas for study and selection. A product in demand would be ethanol from the second generation biofuel feedstock. Future clean cookstoves could have ethanol fuel for clean cooking and when this effort is expanded the vehicle fuel use is also considered to be a product in demand for sustainable triple bottom lines.
¿Cómo reduce su solución la exposición y amortigua/protege a las comunidades afectadas?
Forests, Orchards and Switchgrass have roots that remain and have sequestered CO2 in their growth and life. Some trees can be harvested five times with the single planting so root calculations of carbon reduction is argued to exist.
¿Cómo su solución reduce la sensibilidad de las comunidades afectadas?
Indirectly and directly it does by lowering the greenhouse gas and improved agricultural yields by enhancement of Extension Agents as well as greater service delivery in continued education to farmers.
¿Cómo ha aumentado su solución la capacidad de las comunidades locales para adaptarse a posibles cambios climáticos?
Continued education by ICT and wireless methods. We have had several discussions with the Commonwealth of Learning. who has in place a continued education for farmers. They also favored enhancement of Extension Agents which my paper influenced or was a timely addition to their programs in budget considerations.
¿Se puede replicar esta solución en otros lugares?
Finance is a bottleneck for development projects. However good business tools when applied become interesting for others. We are discussing now for the solar power for the Data Center. I am a IBM Partner World Partner and they have a Finance program available. IBM is actively developing a Data Center in Kenya now. The Wireless technology is relevant to the National Science Foundation funded program of Syracuse University and WiGiT group that is a wireless innovative testbed. group that I am a member of. I am also the International Director for RSECE