An Overview Of Our Solution
- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Asia
Perumahan Griya Angsana Blok A-5 Jl.Pendidilkan Dusun VIII Desa Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, Kab.Deli Serdang 20371
Sumatera Utara
Population impactée
550 hectares
Principaux métiers
Ressources locales dont dépend la communauté et dans quel but
Menaces locales sur les ressources
Aléas climatiques
Niveau de sensibilité
Niveau de capacité d'adaptation
? This Program is designed to train the groups of fishermen to be able to manage aquaculture technique so that they can improve the results of fish other than the catch from the sea. Then the capacity of the women would be built to develop the business/alternative livelihood by producing the cheap foods made of fish and of several types of mangroves which are processed into more expensive food products that can increase their income. Besides foods, mangrove resources can also be processed into a variety of products which have economic values. ? Through field school approach, the community will have their knowledge developed and mobilized to design the action of disaster risk reduction and climate change. One of the actions is the mangrove reforestation efforts, and to protect the remaining forests. ? Developing a behavior change campaign to encourage people to adopt new behaviors that can adapt to the impacts of climate change hazards. Encourage the emergence of new behavior, to protect the nature that reduces future impacts.
Coûts écologiques
Bénéfice écologique
Indicateurs économiques utilisés pour mesurer les avantages
- Area of mangrove - The number of trees planted
Coût communautaire/social
Bénéfice communautaire/social
Indicateurs communautaires/sociaux utilisés pour mesurer les avantages
Coût économique
- the cost of training - capital assistance/aid - On the Job training
Avantage économique
The number of items of business results - Additional income generated
Indicateurs écologiques utilisés pour mesurer les avantages
- the report on the development of business groups
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
The challenges the community faced in implementing the solution and how we overcome them are as follows
Décrire le processus communautaire utilisé pour développer la solution, y compris les outils et les processus utilisés
The heart of the program is community capacity building leading to resilience through; ? Discovery education in Field Schools. In brief, Field Schools are an integrated series of learning processes undertaken by communities through direct learning and action. Usually this involves some 10 weekly half-day sessions followed by a Field Day bringing together the larger community to share learning?s, experiences, and plans. In this case, the Field School activities will focus upon community-based disaster risk reduction and climate change. ? Mobilize community to conserve mangrove ecosystem through mangrove reforestation through community based conservation initiative. This approach will be impact to improving quality of ecology and mangrove ecosystem. Strengthening capacity in aquaculture technique (fish, shrimp, and crab) within intact mangrove ecosystem. As impact, mangrove areas will preserved and economy of fishermen will increased. ? Develop and improve alternative livelihood. These activities will focus on creating an alternative livelihood and income generation. Training women to be able to develop a business that uses the potential of marine resources and mangroves. Gender participation will be enhanced in creating alternative livelihood, because their role is very important to make decisions in their families, and to increase their family income. This Program will be executed by building the partnerships with forest service of Deli Serdang District that plays a role in providing management of mangrove forests. It will also cooperate with the experts/practitioners on mangrove and fisheries in giving technical aids (mentoring) in developing the alternative livelihood, who will manage the potential fisheries and mangrove into foods and products that can be sold and increase the income of the fisherman and families. The program will also collaborate with the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics to run ?climate field school? and provide climate data. The Program will run for 1 year. The Executive team consists of a program manager who will lead the program and control the progress. And some of the coordinators (field school, livelihood, ecology and conservation).
Aléa climatique préoccupant
Comment votre solution réduit-elle l'exposition et protège-t-elle l'écosystème affecté ?
The medium and long-term Mangrove forest reforestation activities that will be undertaken will give impact on the growth of forest vegetation on the beach. It will be beneficial to withstand storm surge and flooding due to sea level rise.
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
Reforestation of mangrove forests will be tailored to the type of the local forest structure, so that it will create a new forest that has a strong ecosystem and can reduce the impacts of climate change. Mangrove roots will provide home to many types of fish for breading and the new forest will become a habitat for water birds and stopover for migratory birds.
Comment votre solution réduit-elle l'exposition et protège-t-elle les communautés affectées ?
The improvement of quality and quantity of mangrove forests will protect the agricultural area, the location of aquaculture, and the settlement of communities who live behind of the mangrove forests, and will also withstand the wind and the waves head off toward the Mainland.
Comment votre solution réduit-elle la sensibilité des communautés affectées ?
Strengthening capacity in aquaculture technique (fish, shrimp, and crab) within intact mangrove ecosystem. As impact, mangrove areas will preserved and economy of fishermen will be increased. The development of alternative livelihood would also reduce the dependence of local communities on the ocean resources, and creating new economic revenue.
Comment votre solution a-t-elle augmenté la capacité des communautés locales à s'adapter aux changements climatiques potentiels ?
Through "Climate Field School" approach, we would encourage behavior change to adapt to climate change impacts. Field Schools conducted in the small group selected for the program in Percut Coastal area. A series of Field Schools will be undertaken beginning with a group-level Participatory Vulnerability Assessments and planning, and moving on to several technical Field Schools in Disaster and Climate Change Risk Reduction, aquaculture technique (fish, shrimp, and crab) within intact mangrove ecosystem, and mangrove reforestation as appropriate to the location.
Cette solution peut-elle être reproduite ailleurs ?
- Low level of community?s knowledge. We'll do a participatory approach in the ?climate field school? activities so that the participants could participate and contribute in every stage. - The slow adoption level of community on the techniques and new things. We would encourage the inception of innovator for initiating the change and adopt alternative livelihood model and spread it to more communities. - Low level of the economy and the lack of capital. We will encourage the adoption of alternative livelihood by creating initial capital support under the agreement of the group and in accordance with the needs.