An Overview Of Our Solution
The Mercado del Mar is an innovative proposal that takes place in Costa Rica. It was born in the midst of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 when small-scale artisanal fishing communities were the ones that were most affected due to State restrictions to reduce the spread of the virus. From CoopeSoliDar RL a revolving fund was organized to start marketing the products with these communities and thus support them to mitigate the impacts generated in their economy. Today, almost 3 years later, the Mercado del Mar continues to function, increasingly innovating in the products available, the presentations it offers, but most importantly, it continues to strengthen its support for small-scale artisanal fisheries that are part of the Network of Marine Areas for Responsible Fishing and Marine Territories of Life.

- Population Impacted: 8000 people
- Continent: North America
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Context Analysis
The proposal presented for consideration is the consolidation of the Sea Market (MDM); a business initiative based on values and ethical principles of fair marketing of seafood, sustainably used by small-scale artisanal fishermen in Costa Rica. Coastal ecosystems are areas rich in species diversity and high productivity: hence, the contribution of responsible small-scale artisanal fishing (PPE) is essential for marine conservation, given that its activity is carried out with sustainable fishing gear with the aim of environment and rotation throughout the year. The Science and Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) indicates that 34% of marine wildlife has been overexploited worldwide. The evaluation concluded that the policy and tools are most effective, among other things, when they pay attention to the social and cultural contexts in which they are applied, in addition to the ecological context; when they support justice, rights and equity; and when they are supported by solid and adaptable institutions that include participatory mechanisms. In this context, points out the FAO (2015) [1] the PPE is a key economic and social actor in the global objectives of combating poverty, nutrition and combating hunger in the world. These fishermen, through the Voluntary Guidelines to achieve sustainability of small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication (FAO, 2014) and, recently, in the framework of the working meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Lisbon, 2022), have expressed their contributions to the conservation of biodiversity, governance and sustainable management of fisheries [2] . [1] FAO, 2015. Voluntary Guidelines for Achieving Sustainability in Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. Rome 2015.
Describe the technical solution you wanted the target audience to adopt
CoopeSoliDar RL has 22 years of experience working on conservation and human rights issues. Today, CoopeSoliDar RL technically accompanies 22 PPE communities on the Pacific coast and the Caribbean. In 2014 the fishermen made the decision to create the Network of Marine Areas for Responsible Fishing and Marine Territories of Life (RED). Together, actions have been carried out for marine spatial planning, responsible fishing, and the fight for the rights of small-scale fishermen. In the face of the health, social, and economic emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, CoopeSoliDar RL created a Rotating Fund to promote the commercialization of sea products in the capital of Costa Rica, with the communities linked to the RED. Given the positive results, an ethical code was established in CoopeSoliDar RL - RED and the MDM was created.
Describe your behavioral intervention.
The MDM is a commercial initiative that promotes the responsible use of seafood; links PPE with responsible consumers interested in nutritious, sustainable and socially beneficial products. In addition to this, the MDM purchases products from different fisheries so that the fisheries linked to the Network can benefit as much as possible. The MDM is based on values and principles of equity, fair and equitable distribution of benefits, economic justice, solidarity , humanity, recognition of women's work in each phase of the production chain (pre-capture - capture and post-capture (added value and commercialization), promotion of the contribution of young people, which strengthens social resilience in the coastal marine communities, culture, conservation and use of coastal marine resources and contributes to solving the structural problems experienced by the PPE in Costa Rica.The MDM promotes the best fishing practices, respecting closed seasons and endangered species, guaranteeing fair payment and recognizing the work with women throughout the production chain.It has marketed 23 species of seafood, which has a direct impact on the conservation of marine diversity, since it is not focused on one or two commercial target species.It has allowed joint work of CoopeSoliDar RL, maintain the fight for the recognition of the rights of artisanal fishermen.
Behavioral Levers Utilized
Describe your implementation
It was assured: Fair and immediate economic recognition was guaranteed to the fisheries and concrete affirmative actions that make visible the contribution of women fishermen and collectors throughout the value chain. In terms of biodiversity conservation, the MDM promotes a commercialization with values and principles, committed to the best social and environmental fishing practices, respect for closed seasons and endangered species. Additionally, CoopeSoliDar RL, maintains a work agenda oriented to the defense of human rights and attention to problems structural problems faced by the PPE, which has created a strong working link between CoopeSoliDar RL and the Network. Pre-existing conditions: 22 years of work by CoopeSoliDar RL, accompanying the small-scale artisanal fishing sector, which generated trust from the members from the NETWORK to the work of CoopeSoliDar RL The economic and social impact of the COVI -19 Pandemic on the NETWORK's fisheries promoted a search for new alternatives. Success factors: Initiative consolidated under a relationship of transparency with small-scale artisanal fishing organizations. The MDM is a commercial facilitator, it is an alternative to intermediaries who have historically been left at the expense of intermediaries in purchasing and pricing. It recognizes the work of women and men within its different value chains in a fair and equitable manner. It offers consumers the opportunity to purchase non-commercial products like those they normally consume and with environmental responsibility. Obstacle faced and how it was overcome: The purchase volumes that MDM can make are small compared to those made by large intermediaries. A strategy is being worked on to improve consumption and customers.
Describe the leadership for your solution. Who is leading the implementation?
The MDM is a non-governmental organization for the commercialization of sea products from the RED. The decision-making procedure for the Sea Market will be carried out as follows: 1) Strategic decisions will be made by consensus between the parties, CoopeSoliDar RL and the RED, ensuring shared governance of the Sea Market. , through ordinary or extraordinary meetings (whether virtual or face-to-face), convened for this purpose. 2) The operational, financial and administrative decisions fall exclusively on CoopeSoliDar RL, through the administrative structure of the MDM. 3) Technical Advisory Committee: CoopeSoliDar RL and Bioluris, will form, when deemed appropriate, a Technical Advisory Committee, which contributes and guarantees the good vision of the initiative and its integration into the struggles and needs of the small-scale artisanal fishing sector in the country.
Share some of the key partners or stakeholders engaged in your solution development and implementation.
At the beginning of the venture, it was possible to consolidate a public-private alliance and voluntary assistance to promote the MDM process. Iglesia Católica-Pastoral de las Gentes del Mar: The Pastoral Ministry for the People of the Sea is the pastoral action carried out by the Costa Rican Catholic Church for the accompaniment of the populations that are linked by their work, culture or natural environment with the sea. Bioluris: is a highly specialized and dynamic Environmental Law firm, which was introduced into the national market in 1999 ( ). Bioluris contributed voluntarily to manage legal issues and permits. M-EXPRESS: is a Costa Rican company dedicated to the marketing and retail sale of household appliances, white goods. , M-Express, supported with facilitation a good price of equipment to maintain the cold chain of the products. Arteria: it is a small national company that has focused its work on highlighting the values of the Costa Rican being, helped with the generation of the graphic line and visible signs of the MDM. SENASA: The National Animal Health Service (SENASA) administers, plans, directs and takes pertinent measures throughout the country; establishes and executes the necessary measures on the production, use, release or marketing of products and by-products of animal origin . (More information at ). SENASA provided, in the event of an emergency, advice to obtain the necessary permits for the transport and commercialization of the product.
Who adopted the desired behavior(s) and to what degree? Include an explanation of how you measured a change in behavior.
With the validation of the Operating Protocol: Solidarity Urban Market for Seafood Products from the National Network of Responsible Fishing Areas and Marine Territories of Life (Today MDM), the parties committed to moving forward together in the consolidation of the MDM. At the same time, jointly CoopeSoliDar RL and the RED maintain a work agenda in defense of the rights of small-scale fishermen and shellfish collectors in Costa Rica, as well as the implementation and generation of public policies to guarantee fishing. responsibility and sustainability of the resource. Approval and adaptation of the 12 Oars Model ( ) Law Proposal: General Law Project for the Sustainability of the Small-Scale Artisanal Fishing Sector, in the context of food security, poverty eradication and shared governance. And II National Congress
How did you impact the environment (biodiversity conservation, ecosystems, etc.)? Please be specific and include measurement methodology where relevant.
The MDM is an initiative that has had a great impact on the artisanal fisheries linked to the RED, as well as on the responsible consumers who buy the products.
As of December 2022, the MDM purchased 6,34.53 Kilograms of product, which has represented a distribution of resources of ₡56,062,332.00 (US$97,100), distributed in 12 PPE locations linked to the RED.
In terms of responsible consumers, the MDM has 4,800 followers on social networks ( ), and an estimated 50 buyers who buy regularly at the MDM.
How has your solution impacted equity challenges (including race, ethnicity, social class/income, indigenous communities, or others)?
The actions to strengthen the capacities of the PPE sector of the RED have guaranteed the implementation of responsible fishing practices, sustainable use of marine diversity, contributing to the improvement of coastal marine ecosystems. The MDM promotes a rotating purchase of Sea products, linked to the Network. Of the 22 fishing communities, the MDM has purchased and distributed the benefits in 12 communities. The MDM buys the products present in the season, guaranteeing a better distribution of benefits among the fishermen (as) and collectors of artisan molluscs. The MDM recognizes the work of women in the production chain, paying a premium to the fishery that allows economic recognition of women fishermen and collectors. The MDM is an opportunity to strengthen women in the value chain (Nirleydi Artavia, artisanal fisherwoman).
What were some social and/or community co-benefits?
The MDM has increased the awareness of urban consumers in the country, for a fishing that promotes the best fishing gear, respect for closed seasons and non-capture of endangered species. In the case of CoopeMolus-Chomes RL, (cooperative of women shellfish collectors) the MDM has bought US$33,520; Part of these resources have made it possible to cover social security expenses. The MDM contributes to maintaining the struggles for PPE rights: access to the sea, land tenure.
What were some sustainable development co-benefits?
The Mercado del Mar has contributed to 7 specific SDGs: End of poverty: boost local economies. Zero Hunger: contributes to the food security of PPE communities. Gender equality: recognition of the work done by women. Decent work and economic growth: fighting for the rights of fishermen. Sustainable cities and communities: contribute to more resilient communities. Responsible production and consumption: guarantees responsible fishing. Submarine life.
Sustainability: Describe the economic sustainability of your solution.
Despite the contributions to responsible fishing, marine conservation, care for endangered species and contribution to the fight for the rights of fishermen and PPE collectors, the competition to open a field in the urban market is complex. Commercial intermediaries that buy large volumes and do not recognize the work of the fisherman (a). An injection of capital is required, which will promote the MDM and consolidate actions for biodiversity conservation, responsible fishing and defense of fishermen's rights, improving at the same time, the purchase volumes of responsible consumers. Position itself as a commercial alternative in Costa Rica and guarantee that at least 75% of the communities.
Return on investment: How much did it cost to implement these activities? How do your results above compare to this investment?
The MDM is a very innovative new initiative in the social and environmental responsible markets, unique in the country. The MDM began its operation with a solidarity fund from the associates of CoopeSoliDar RL for an amount of US$ 1,000.00. In addition, US$ 1,500 in equipment to ensure the cold chain. The office facilities, vehicle, communication and human resources, provided by CoopeSoliDar RL The MDM presents a positive commercialization trend, as of December 2022, the MDM has commercialized an amount of ₡56,062,332.00 (US$97,100), distributed in 12 locations in PPE linked to the RED. With the injection of resources requested, the MDM could be consolidated in the national market in three years and maintain the shares.
How could we successfully replicate this solution in Latin America?
The MDM is focused on consolidating the initiative in Costa Rica. Its operation is based on trust between the artisanal fishing communities that make up the RED and CoopeSoliDar RL. It is a commercial initiative based on values, ethical principles and the implementation of the best responsible fishing practices. In Panama and Honduras, a process of strengthening the capacities of organizations with fundamentals similar to CoopeSoliDar RL An additional investment of US$ 10,000 is required, which allows the development of the concept, the purchase of the minimum assets to promote the operation in their countries. A contribution of US$ 20,000 is requested, 00, which allows the promotion of the MDM in Costa Rica, particularly in the urban areas of the capital that allows the development of a strategy for the comprehensive strengthening of the MDM: environmental conservation, responsible fishing, fair marketing, responsible consumption and defense of the rights of the PPE.