An Overview Of Our Solution
- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Asia
53, Old Fatehpura, Bedla Road
Udaipur (Raj.) 313 001
Populasi terkena dampak
120 kilometers
Pekerjaan Utama
Sumber daya lokal tempat komunitas bergantung, dan untuk tujuan apa
Ancaman lokal terhadap sumber daya
Bahaya Iklim
Tingkat sensitivitas
Tingkat kapasitas adaptif
We visualized that the programme implemented would improve the entire livelihood system of these marginalized indigenous communities sustainability. It has been confirmed that the development of degraded land resources (arable, private and common pastures) have enabled the community to increase productivity in agriculture (leading to food security), fodder and fuel wood through agro-ecology in the village. Further, the rain water harvesting and conservation measures recharged the underground aquifers resulted in increased availability of water for long span as well as effective and judicious use of water in agriculture and drinking through innovative water banking system. Furthermore, the breed up-gradation of local breed of goat and introduction of improved indigenous breed (Gir) of cows have enhanced the ability of the community to earn additional income by selling milk and meat.
Biaya Ekologis
Manfaat Ekologis
Indikator Ekonomi yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
Water bank system: Additional area irrigated rabi crop production Low cost water harvesting structure: Additional area irrigated rabi crop production Private pasture development (5 ha): Bundals of grass production Common pasture development (14 ha): Bundals of grass production Land development (4 ha): Area covered Goat breed up-gradation (2 buck): No. of kids born, No. of kids sold Agro-meteorological lab (1): No. of farmers visiting lab and sharing information Energy (54 improved oven): Saving of fuel wood Renovation of open dug wells (7): Effective use of water
Biaya Komunitas/Sosial
Indikator Komunitas/Sosial yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
Biaya Ekonomi
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
Poverty, illiteracy, zero risk taking capacity, resource deficitness and inaccessibility to the mainstream development agencies including government and resources meant for them have been serious challenges faced by the community in implementation. The challenges were met by enhancing the vision and capacity of the community to under stand and articulate and planning minimum achievable activities by harnessing the people?s potential. The significant risks in the continued success of these solutions include the powerful vested interests, undermining by endowed and powerful people and market forces.
Jelaskan proses berbasis komunitas yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan solusi termasuk alat dan proses yang digunakan
The socio-economic and political profile of the community was thoroughly studied and analyzed to identify the needs and the capacities of the poor and marginalized communities. Which, enabled us to understand local management dynamics, aptitude of the communities and development potentials to address the problem and find it solutions by promoting and nurturing community initiatives. On the basis of our field experience were visualized of initiated a programme for vulnerability assessment and enhance and adaptive capacities of people in semi arid area of Rajasthan (INDIA). The plan included four thematic areas hypothesis namely: water, land use, livestock and energy. Which are the support bases of the entire population of semi arid areas. The functional process included the socio eco profile of Kundai village (for 155 households), community meetings imparting technical know-how for planning and implementation of the various programmes. These meetings & trainings resulted in a group of 12 tribal (BPL) household of Darjiatalai hemlet of the village took the initiative for water conservation and its judicious utilization for irrigation and drinking purposes through water banking system. The activities included renovation of shared open dug well, installation of irrigation system (overhead tank and distribution through pipes) and management on cost sharing basis. The water banking system enabled them to replace the four diesel operated pump set on the well, by a 5 HP electric pump set owned by all 12 households, thus reducing the carbon emission as well as the saving of energy and cost. All decisions in this regards were taken by themselves with active participation of their families. Soil water conservation: The main livelihood base of the marginalized farming community has been isoil and water which have been exposed to climate change and degraded, required conservation and development. For this purpose, both indigenous and modern measures were implemented by the communities on cost sharing basis. These included traditional field bunding, PRT and checkdams, low cost small water harvesting structures. These measures enabled communities to stop further degradation and retention of moisture and soil in both arable and non-arable areas. This inturn has strengthened the ecosystem of the hemlet. Livestock : Livestock has been a crucial livelihood support sources in general and during droughts in particular for the communities in these semi arid areas. For livestock develop and management, we supported the community (on cost sharing basis) for protection and development of both public and private pasture lands for increased availability of fodder, fuel wood and conservation and management of bio-diversity. We also facilitated to increase their access for veterinary services for better management and treatment of livestock. Further, the up-gradation of the local breed good indigenous breed of goat and cow has been introduced. Technical know how was up-graded for feed and fodder management of cattle. Market linkages were facilitated for better returns from livestock products. Energy : The reduction of pressure on forest and vegetation cover has been imperative. We in partnership with college of technology and agricultural engineering and the community installed fuel saving device (improved oven) for cooking and related purposes. Diversification: The implementation of the above programme has resulted in diversification of agriculture and other livelihood sources. Agro-meteorological Lab: The community has been empowered to understand and use the weather related (rain, temperature, relative humility and wind) information for adapting to the changes in weather condition for agricultural and animal husbandry activities. In this regard one agro meteorological laboratory has been established in Dargiyatalai hemlet in the year 2007. Since than the lab has been managed and maintained by a group of young tribal men and women trained to record and analyse the data on daily basis (two times a day). This work is performed voluntarily. Records are up-to-date and information shared with in and neighboring villages. The vulnerability assessment and enhancing adaptative capacity of climate change in semi arid regions of India was implemented from 2005 to 2008 by Sahyog Sansthan, Udaipur with financial support of Swiss agency for Development cooperation, (Switzerland) and scientific and technical support by Dr. M. S. Swminathan foundation, Channi and local techno-managerial support by AFPRO, New Delhi. Since the completion it has been managed and maintained by the local communities as planned and required. The community has shown the adaption to these changes from time to time. The system has been adapted and replicated by other NGOs Panchayat and corporates in the state of Rajasthan. The approach was to involve community actively in decision making processes and self help groups were instrumental at all levels of processes.
Bahaya iklim yang menjadi perhatian
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi keterpaparan dan menyangga/melindungi ekosistem yang terkena dampak?
Since droughts have been one of the serious climatic hazards in the semi arid regions, mitigation of such extremes of shortage of water food and fodder has been achieved greatly by restoration of sound eco system and increased adaptive capacity of the community through accomplishment of the above mentioned activities. Significantly the intervention has made available safe drinking water and nutritive diet to the local community and animals. *** The increased adaptive capacity of the community together with improved water recharged under ground acquitters would support sustain food and fodder production during the drought conditions and reduce the threat to livelihood system of the vulnerable communities in such drought prone semi arid regions.
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
The soil conservation in this area has increased the potential of the ecological, as well as human systems to adapt to potential climate changes by increased under ground water recharged, stopped degradation and more vegetative cover on the one hand and the discouraging the deep bore wells, promotion of agro ecological practices, effective community management and governance system, equity based judicious utilization of natural resources on the other. It has been confirmed by evidences in about 90 villages in rural tribal semi arid areas covering about 5 thousand household with a total population of about 30 thousand.
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi keterpaparan dan menyangga/melindungi masyarakat yang terkena dampak?
Due to conservation and regeneration of natural resources, the enhanced capacity of people and the availability of water, food and fodder have reduced the hardships caused by drought and extreme climatic changes. During the past 25 years of our work the created assets like 132 low cost water harvesting structure, developed 4016 hectare of arable and non arable land, 559 well renovated, 39 hectare of common pastures and 567 hectare of private pasture developed and 13 community irrigation schemes have conspicuous evidences in this regard.
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi sensitivitas masyarakat yang terkena dampak?
The interventions have reduced the sensitivity of the community to the extent of 25 to 30%.
Bagaimana solusi Anda meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat lokal untuk beradaptasi dengan potensi perubahan iklim?
The capacity and know-how of local communities have been enhanced through a network of small grass root people organization (SHGs) as well as changes in the attitudes, articulation and sharing methods of adaptation to climatic changes have been evident. The platforms for such sharing have been village level meetings, group trainings experience sharing and joint workshop interface meeting between villages and line departments for synergy and mainstreaming.
Bisakah solusi ini direplikasi di tempat lain?
The solution are being adapted and implemented by people, voluntary organizations and mainstream agencies at local state and national level. These solutions one community owned and managed. These are planned implemented by participatory approach and cost sharing purpose leading to promotion of transparency, sustain ability and democratic decontaminate for better management and governance.