An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Asia
Kathmandu 977
Populasi terkena dampak
Only 310 households were taken of the total beneficiaries of the Koshi tappu
Pekerjaan Utama
Sumber daya lokal tempat komunitas bergantung, dan untuk tujuan apa
Ancaman lokal terhadap sumber daya
Bahaya Iklim
Tingkat sensitivitas
Tingkat kapasitas adaptif
The project has helped poor and vulnerable communities to take stewardship for adaptation to climate change, to improve their social and economic status and ensure long term water resource management ultimately by enhancing the biodiversity and sustainable use of water and wetlands resources. Local communities were provided with the diversified livelihood options including the "Singada" Trapa quadrispinosa plantation and harvest and by promoting fish farming for WDCs groups to link with the fish cooperatives at the piloted sites. Youth and local communities were mobilized in the information and awareness campaigns and the use of local media was done to disseminate information and awareness on climate change, its impacts on water and wetlands
Biaya Ekologis
Manfaat Ekologis
Indikator Ekonomi yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
Birds monitoring and other species monitoring inside the reserve that were conducted on a regular basis indicated the increase in number of bird species and habitat condition of ecosystems.
Biaya Komunitas/Sosial
Manfaat Komunitas/Sosial
Indikator Komunitas/Sosial yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
Biaya Ekonomi
As above, the economic cost would come come to around US$ 200 for each meetings.
Manfaat Ekonomi
Fish farmers have a slight better income and now their earning ranges from 200-300 US$/month/person from different livelihood options.
Indikator Ekologis yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
Local people have realized that rather than traditional occupation, diverse livelihood options are more income generating.
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
Organizing meeting & workshop in order together them, make them understand the concept of climate change issues and concern were the most challenging
Jelaskan proses berbasis komunitas yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan solusi termasuk alat dan proses yang digunakan
Framework prepared to guide the interlinkage between drivers of environmental change and their impacts on the state of ecosystem dynamics, ecosystem goods and services, and on livelihoods of community and to identify management and adaptation strategies to decrease the vulnerability of communities to change particularly to climate change in the long run and to increase the resilience of wetland ecosystem against climatic stressors. Secondary information and participatory action research focusing on assessment of biodiveristy, dependency on wetland resources and livelihood vulnerability was done. Climate awareness and sensitization workshops were held for the most vulnerable communities including the Majhi, Mallaha, Mushar (fisher folks) and skill enhancement trainings to diversify their livelihood opportunities and increase their income were provided to switch off their traditional occupation by providing support for fish ponds and linking with the fish cooperatives. This has also provided an opportunity to enhance their capacity and involve them in the decision making process. Apart from this organization Himalayan Nature, other partners include Bird Conservation Nepal, Koshi Development Foundation and Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve's Office etc in order to collaborate and coordinate for the adaptation of local communities to address the impact of Climate Change. The length of the project was from January -December 2012 entitled "Climate Change adaptation through mainstreaming wetland conservation for improved local livelihoods in KTWR Nepal".
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi keterpaparan dan menyangga/melindungi ekosistem yang terkena dampak?
Our activities created fish ponds on the seepage areas of the reserve that reduced the chances of entering the flood to the communities, help create biodiversity pools and promoted greenery along the seepage areas that helped in minimizing the climate hazard.
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
Sensitization and awareness workshop to capacitate them to cope with the adverse impacts of climate change and coordination and collaboration with the local stakeholders on the issues will help increase the capacity of the ecosystem to adopt to potential climate changes.
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi keterpaparan dan menyangga/melindungi masyarakat yang terkena dampak?
The use of biodiversity and ecosystem services of forest, wetland systems as a part of an overall adaptation strategy has helped people and communities adapt to negative effects of climate change.
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi sensitivitas masyarakat yang terkena dampak?
Our activities have provided a wide range of livelihood options such as fish farming, livestock rearing, organic compost making, vegetable farming etc to reduce the sensitivity of the communities affected.
Bagaimana solusi Anda meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat lokal untuk beradaptasi dengan potensi perubahan iklim?
Fish farmers have aggregated into a cooperative to well manage their saving and develop strong social networks to plan, manage and better utilize their resources and exchange knowledge and experience to cope and adapt to potential climate changes.
Bisakah solusi ini direplikasi di tempat lain?
It can be replicated to other critical wetland sites of Nepal where dependency of resources to wetland is very high.