An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Africa
Population impactée
Principaux métiers
Ressources locales dont dépend la communauté et dans quel but
Menaces locales sur les ressources
Aléas climatiques
Niveau de sensibilité
Niveau de capacité d'adaptation
The Vulnerability Reduction Assessment (VRA) has been chosen for this project. The VRA was employed using pictures and simple language to let all members of the community engage in the project development. The methodology was based on the following four indicators: 1. Vulnerability of livelihood/welfare to existing climate change and/or climate variability 2. Vulnerability of livelihood/welfare to developing climate change risks 3. Magnitude of barriers (institutional, policy, technological, financial, etc) barriers to adaptation. 4. Ability and willingness of the community to sustain the project intervention The local stakeholders were asked the above questions and their answers were evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 generating a numerical score, as well as other qualitative data based on the discussions leading to the eventual score. 30 members of the Grand-Sable Fishermen Association were involved in this activity. The same members also took the lead in the identification of the potential sites and in discussing the logistical/ management arrangements for the project implementation phase. The length of implementation of the project is 2 years. Progress of the project is monitored closely by the project manager and the funding agencies.
Coûts écologiques
Bénéfice écologique
Indicateurs économiques utilisés pour mesurer les avantages
It will cause increased biodiversity and abundance of fish
Coût communautaire/social
Bénéfice communautaire/social
Indicateurs communautaires/sociaux utilisés pour mesurer les avantages
Coût économique
Number of community members attending meetings
Avantage économique
Funding for rehabilitation of coastal infrastructures was not considered
Indicateurs écologiques utilisés pour mesurer les avantages
- No additional cost for relocation of the local community - Additional income generated
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
Intensity of the damage to coastal infrastructures
Décrire le processus communautaire utilisé pour développer la solution, y compris les outils et les processus utilisés
the community should be sensitized further and capacity building activities should be undertaken to empower the local community so that they could take appropriate actions to adapt to the effects of climate change.
Aléa climatique préoccupant
Comment votre solution réduit-elle l'exposition et protège-t-elle l'écosystème affecté ?
Coastal flooding or storm surge
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
Pollution of the lagoon is expected to be reduced as the construction of the drainage system will prevent run off from the mountains to be deposited in the lagoon.
Comment votre solution réduit-elle l'exposition et protège-t-elle les communautés affectées ?
Development behind mangroves will be prohibited such that they are able to grow inland as natural progression with sea level rise.
Comment votre solution réduit-elle la sensibilité des communautés affectées ?
The plantation of mangroves will reduce the impact of coastal erosion on the coastal infrastructures and the houses.
Comment votre solution a-t-elle augmenté la capacité des communautés locales à s'adapter aux changements climatiques potentiels ?
The setting up of the mangrove nursery has allowed the fishermen to get an additional income as the rise in sea surface temperature has resulted in a decrease in the number of fish catch.
Cette solution peut-elle être reproduite ailleurs ?
Mangrove propagules were collected prior to the construction of the mangrove nurseries. This resulted in the drying of most of the mangrove propagules. The mangrove propagules collection activity had to be repeated. The potential risks associated with this solution are: ? Severe weather condition delaying collection of propagules and plantation phase