An Overview Of Our Solution
Recycling reduces waste and litter creates healthier air, cleaner waterways, and conserves resources, avoiding millions of metric tons of greenhouse emissions. Recycling happens at individual levels, is managed at municipal levels, feeds manufacturing, and success or failure has lasting global impacts.
Nearly all Americans expect to be able to recycle, value recycling as a city service, and think it is an easy way to have a positive impact. But there is a disconnect between positive associations with recycling and the actual behavior of doing so.
To address this disconnect, we offer free, data-backed, customizable tools that offset measurement and education costs, and encourage positive recycling behavior to millions. Waste continues to grow, and resources disappear. We influence inputs, outputs, behaviors, thus the fate of all recyclables.
- Population Impacted: 53 million households in 5 years
- Continent: North America
Nama depan
nama keluarga
Tipe organisasi
Analisis Konteks
Recycling is a “loosely connected but highly dependent system” of materials, operations and education, all relying on individual actions. We bridge the gaps between stakeholders, to shape the context within which recycling is possible and sustainable, to gather data, and ultimately to influence individuals’ behaviors. In just 5 years, our scalable resources have reached 53 million US households.
While 88% say recycling is easy and important, many are making wrong choices or are working from outdated or inaccurate knowledge. Only half of recyclables are captured from homes with easy access to recycling, and as much as a third of what is recycled is wrong (dangerous, wasteful, damaging, and expensive). The economics of recycling are not currently sustainable, driving guidelines to evolve and people do not keep up. We are building a free, adaptable communication infrastructure to keep people informed and to encourage both a mastery mindset and a habit of checking current rules.
Jelaskan solusi teknis yang Anda inginkan untuk diadopsi oleh audiens target
Inaccurate recycling, or “contamination,” has plagued recycling. Our scaled solutions equip users (those who run programs) with thoughtful guidance and data-backed solutions to address contamination behaviors. This offsets development costs and builds consistency for local and regional recycling approaches and messaging.
The model and first tools were created in partnership with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Together, we studied, tested and refined our approach and resources to develop an actionable, behavior change focused Recycling IQ Kit. Once refined, resources were expanded and made freely customizable online. The step-by-step guides for both curbside and drop-off recycling include a stakeholder survey and scorecard, customizable messaging and oops tags, tagging protocols and tips. Communities simply answer a few questions online, upload a logo and download print-ready files and actionable plans for improving how residents recycle.
Jelaskan intervensi perilaku Anda.
We are data-focused. We research, test and measure our solutions, audiences and messages. The consistent results make it easy for programs to get support to try this in their town. We make it more attainable by awarding leverage grants and providing free support.
In addition to our website, we promote grants, knowledge and resources through our newsletter, industry articles, webinars, free workshops, regional and national conferences. We invite communities to join us to share results and first-hand insights.
The Kits for both curbside and drop-off recycling give a program everything they need to get started: print and video explanations of protocols, stakeholder survey and scorecard, customizable messaging and oops tags and tips. Communities simply answer a few questions, upload a logo and download print-ready files and plans.
The steps: identify the top contaminant and collection route, download and mail guidelines and top issue postcards, launch inspection phase and leave responsive feedback, reject carts with issues. Track throughout. Support with media.
When it comes to residents, most welcome the clear feedback and appreciate the support when recycling correctly. While no recycler aspires to have the task of cleaning up a rejected cart, we know the rejections work and we see nearly all residents continue to recycle. This accountability busts the “magic curb” myth that anything discarded “disappears” regardless of how managed.
Pengungkit Perilaku Digunakan
Jika diperlukan, jelaskan bagaimana Anda menggunakan tuas secara lebih rinci.
Choice- Steps to assure packages are designed and labeled for recycling; Recycling access through grants; Simplified messaging; Responsive point-of-behavior feedback; Commitments and planning tools.
Rules- Documented data and insights to gain support for using our protocols and to inform policy on the realities of the system and best practices.
Information- Applied principles for learning (attention, retention, application) and user experience (engagement and outcomes).
Emotional- Emotive messaging using lifestyle images, colorful, organized and engaging designs; Designs for positive user experience backed by user research and message testing; Direct but supportive messaging (other programs employ shaming cart notices).
Social- Messages that employ a personal tone to invite engagement, support positive norms.
Incentives- Disincentivizing cart rejections; In-home supports that simplify recycling and reduce resident confusion and frustration.
Jelaskan implementasi Anda
We find that most people want to do the right thing when given the tools and feedback to do so. Unfortunately, there are many reasons the behaviors aren’t always correct. That is why we use a networked, informed, modular and proven approach.
Collaboration and data: Recycling is one of the easiest ways that people can live a more sustainable lifestyle. Recyclables also have the unique distinction of feeding a global supply chain, laddering up to corporate sustainability commitments, and reducing waterway pollution. Despite the shared benefits, recycling is being dependent on the actions of hundreds of millions of individuals each day to recycle and is managed by highly decentralized implementation mechanisms (in the US over 9,000 local governments). Our work, connects companies that design and rely on the materials, those who manage recycling, and the consumers that make the end of life decisions for every bottle box, and can. In partnership, we have developed, piloted and scaled the solution and continue to track, refine, and share results.
Levers: Through trial and error, we found the recipe: clear implementation protocols and training, simplified change messaging, visible accountability to correct the issue, friendly support with clear feedback, underpinned by normative community/personal/environmental pride messages.
Adaptability, scale and lasting change: We have had more than 3000 downloads of the Kits. Programs have seen as much as 40% improvement through implementation. All of our assets can also be used in to build consistency and recognition. Regions and neighboring communities are now collaborating to create harmonized messaging and expectations, reducing recycling confusion as people move between locations to live, work and play. For the local government user, the resources and app allows for quick tracking, data analysis and the ability to segment audiences and tailor messaging based on behavior.
Jelaskan kepemimpinan untuk solusi Anda. Siapa yang memimpin pelaksanaannya?
We co-create and empower. In the Mass DEP project, we developed the research methodology and project materials. When we launched, we facilitated stakeholder meetings and managed multi-step projects which specific variables. We coordinated the results and made program adjustments. The state trained regional representatives to facilitate and support community recycling program implementation, increasing confidence and trust. We matched a state grant to develop the Kit with free technical assistance.
Once the approach was set, we created a Kit that incorporated step-by-step protocols, tips and modular communication and project management resources. Everything was designed with human-centered and stakeholder aspects in mind. Planning and implantation were manageable- team members were included in the planning, steps were set up to be coordinated and tracked, resources were provided with minimum need for contractors or additional staff time, and results were visible.
Bagikan beberapa mitra atau pemangku kepentingan utama yang terlibat dalam pengembangan dan implementasi solusi Anda.
In the Mass DEP project, we matched a grant from the State for discovery, development and testing, through replication and scaling. Together we selected communities that had available staff and who were ready and able to enlist their hauler and sortation partners to reduce quality. Once we had messaging and protocols in place, we sent street teams out ahead of collection trucks to tip recycling lids and talk to residents.
We worked with contractors and sortation facilities to assess quality of samples and of ongoing waste stream.
The state employed a team of regional representatives to assist communities and offered grants. We supported with messaging and technical assistance.
Out of this work, state and local efficiencies were achieved and we were able to share the lessons and resources nationally.
In recycling, all stakeholders are important but it is not uncommon for local contracted stakeholder relations to be challenged when margins are thin, resources are lacking, staff changes, etc. Long-term contracts sometimes act as a buffer or instrument of responsibility. We developed protocols that embedded communication tools and we bring stakeholders together to reach consensus and plan at the start of each project.
Siapa yang mengadopsi perilaku yang diinginkan dan sejauh mana? Sertakan penjelasan tentang bagaimana Anda mengukur perubahan pe
We track downloads of the program, technical assistance for the program as well as communities we have granted to implement the work. We also track workshop and webinar attendance as that is often where we see programs who are beginning to plan but who are not yet ready to implement.
When we grant a community, we measure pre and post tonnage, capture rates of materials. Throughout the pilot, participation, tagging rates and corrections are tracked. Our new app will allow audiences to be segmented for targeted messaging and we will be able to follow messaging engagement.
Bagaimana dampak pencemaran air? Harap spesifik dan sertakan metodologi pengukuran jika relevan.
Recycling management best practices (lidded containers with contamination accountability and regularly collected) have huge impacts on limiting the amounts of debris making it to waterways. We know that there is about 800 pounds of recycling available in the average household each year. Our capture studies that compare at household and route levels are demonstrating what no one has known- What is available compared to what is collected and the trends among households, different materials and among types and locations of programs.
We estimate that to date, our organization has saved 174 thousands tons of material from disposal and contributed to 890 million gallons of water saved, 382 million metric tons of CO2-e. These measurements don’t include the indirect and lasting impacts of improved and more resilient programs, open source resources, ripple effect of stakeholder and industry improvements and efficiencies, and the impacts of supportive policies.
Bagaimana solusi Anda berdampak pada tantangan kesetaraan (termasuk ras, jenis kelamin, etnis, kelas/pendapatan sosial, atau lai
We continue to test and expand the strategies proven in Massachusetts. We coupled it with research and demonstrated that households of lower economics responded in line with households of higher economics, dispelling assumptions that lead to some neighborhoods being under-supported. We have expanded the solution resources into multiple languages.
Because we are committed to delivering equal access and support to all, we have created a fund and are scoping projects to support infrastructure and education, training modules for communities, and research to understand systemic exclusion and identify strategies to address inequities.
Apa saja manfaat tambahan sosial dan/atau komunitas?
Through programs supporting peer networking, we foster benchmarking.
Replicated results garner support from local and state government leadership and raises resident awareness. Implementation of this approach helps to offset costs to cities and improve their program economics.
While it is hard to quantify, we feel sure that communities who started taking these steps and demonstrated improvements are more resilient and may be sustained when scrutinized.
Apa sajakah manfaat tambahan lingkungan?
Contaminants are often materials that are recyclable but not at the curb. Our work compliments management of textiles, batteries, organics for instance. Because of consensus on the need to improve the management of plastic bags and film, we formed an intiative to identify and drive national solutions. Made in part possible because of all of our results, we have also partnered with environmental organizations and media to shore up opportunities to achieve climate change.
Apa sajakah manfaat tambahan dari pembangunan berkelanjutan?
States and programs are budgeting for supporting our program.
Our funders have grown both in numbers but also across common interests. Where we started with material representatives and manufactures, we now have support from the entire lifecycle. All of our advancement is due in part to our results.
Additionally, we have partnered with other environmental organizations and media to shore up opportunities to reach people and co-create solutions.
Keberlanjutan: Jelaskan keberlanjutan ekonomi dari solusi Anda.
It is imperative that recycling programs improve their efficiencies. Nearly every program is suffering from contamination and it is costing millions of dollars. When addressing contamination with our Kit, communities have not just seen cost-savings from improved quality, but have also seen more good materials recycled. It seems that our program prompted more careful recycling.
Other benefits have been that communities have worked with their stakeholders to establish collaborative and consistent standards for metrics and built optimization work into their planning and budgets.
Pengembalian investasi: Berapa biaya untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ini? Bagaimana hasil Anda di atas dibandingkan dengan investasi
We help communities evaluate costs and projected benefits. Akron, Ohio was experiencing contamination levels of debilitating proportions. With a contamination rate of nearly 40%, the community’s recycling program was in jeopardy. In April 2019, they deployed our targeted campaign to the area’s 33,000 curbside households. A crew was hired to open cart lids and survey quality. Carts with issues were not collected and an “oops tag” with instructions was placed on their cart.
Akron saw meaningful results: contamination was reduced by 40% and the value of clean recyclables increased by over $20 per ton, or 80%, in just 12 weeks. In the first 6 months, the City of Akron had saved $54,000 in contamination fees.
Bagaimana kita bisa berhasil mereplikasi solusi ini di tempat lain?
Our approach has been replicated in programs across the US. To date, we have supported thousands of communities with education, open source materials, technical assistance or grants.
The resources are freely available but we can also explore tailoring the solution, our "train the trainer" workshops, or messaging.
We have worked in regions and states (North Central Texas Council of Government, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Minnesota Pollution Control and others) on variations and custom portals. We have found that scaled solutions can outpace users and leadership; and that modularity can improve adaptation, but it helps to have ongoing communications outreach to develop program readiness, staff empowerment, to troubleshoot user experience, and to prompt tracking and reporting of results.
We are passionate about this work and have found that our approach and the models behind our solution replicate well for other challenges. We can sometimes leverage funding.