An Overview Of Our Solution
- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Africa
Abuko Nature Reserve PMB 676
Populasi terkena dampak
Pekerjaan Utama
Sumber daya lokal tempat komunitas bergantung, dan untuk tujuan apa
Ancaman lokal terhadap sumber daya
Bahaya Iklim
Tingkat sensitivitas
Tingkat kapasitas adaptif
? Diversified or alternative livelihoods To support local communities livelihoods projects such as Bee keeping, fishing board, woodlots and gardens so as to abandon the ecosystem . ? Improved food security : By conduct mangrove planting to improve the fish breeding area and establish aquaculture, were the soft projects to support the ecosystem
Biaya Ekologis
Manfaat Ekologis
Indikator Ekonomi yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
-Sustainable mangrove ecosystem
Biaya Komunitas/Sosial
Manfaat Komunitas/Sosial
Indikator Komunitas/Sosial yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
Biaya Ekonomi
- Job training - Cost of community meetings (with amount)
Manfaat Ekonomi
- Additional income
Indikator Ekologis yang digunakan untuk mengukur manfaat
- Community reports
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
The challenges are lack of technical know how lack of resources How to overcome WABSA will raise funds to build the capacity of the local community and give them such project to boast their income. If solutions were in place there will be no risks because their capacity will be raise .
Jelaskan proses berbasis komunitas yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan solusi termasuk alat dan proses yang digunakan
WABSA and Wildlife Department conduct mangrove assessment in the north bank region with the local community. The local communities own their resource so any activity or decision making they most be involve. The partners were community development, Wildlife and forestry Department. The roles of the community development is to mobilize communities, wildlife and forestry are to sensitizes the local communities. Length of implementation. Depend on the project term. West African Bird Study Association is responsible for the managements and coordination of the project
Bahaya iklim yang menjadi perhatian
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi keterpaparan dan menyangga/melindungi ekosistem yang terkena dampak?
The ecosystem need to be protect from exploitation which is main cause by natural or anthropogenic the best way is to plant more mangroves stump and indigenous seedling to protect the ecosystem
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
To plant mangroves in the degraded area will help to adapt potential climate change .and also to plant more tree seedling in identified potential side.
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi keterpaparan dan menyangga/melindungi masyarakat yang terkena dampak?
Local community involvement in the protection of the ecosystem through sensitization and by laws place
Bagaimana solusi Anda mengurangi sensitivitas masyarakat yang terkena dampak?
Reforestations of degraded areas affected
Bagaimana solusi Anda meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat lokal untuk beradaptasi dengan potensi perubahan iklim?
Involve the local communities in workshop and sensitization in related to climate issues
Bisakah solusi ini direplikasi di tempat lain?
Yes it can be replicated . factor to make it successful are to conduct side identification to know the areas to be replicated and sensitization to the local communities about the project coming.It has not yet been replicate to new side. Obviously it can be new solution to the local communities because some of them have never experience this convenience