An Overview Of Our Solution
The Cruzeiro community, in the coastal district of mamanguá, consists of traditional residents who depend on the conservation of the maritime canal with good practices to protect biodiversity and resources they depend on. Many problems of pollution and waste caused by the presence of tourists and visiting boats will be avoid with our project.
- Population Impacted: 800 + 1500 frequent tourists
- Continent: South America
Nama depan
nama keluarga
Tipe organisasi
Analisis Konteks
The context we will operate involves all community population with their rural maritime coastal life style whose is traditional since the ancestors arrived 200 years ago. All the eigth small villages across the chanell ( its large 11 km) depends 100% in water conditions for their lifes and wealth. The last 10 years tourism became the principal disturbing fact, at the same time provided better salaries and opportunities for natives men and women. All the transformations are relevant to carry possibilities of innovation including information about environmental/ecological challenges, social/community factors, public health issues, economic and sustainable development. All to improve and solve tourism approach and local life style and sustainability conditions at the same time.
Jelaskan solusi teknis yang Anda inginkan untuk diadopsi oleh audiens target
The project aims to improve and increase more eco friendly mechanism and complete structure to composting toilet both for locals and tourists use. To strongly reducing water pollution using diverse technical solutions to keep solid waste out of the water and provide its disposal.
Jelaskan intervensi perilaku Anda.
To promote the the use of composting toilet as well a range of eco friendly goals to improve environmental benefits for the community and the tourist business our project will fit CooperMamangua , the 100% Women Direct Tourist Cooperative Agency .
The need to improve in professional terms the whole tourist business by native women themselves has many positive side effects to all involved. The traditional model in which men are the boats chiefs and conductors keep women blocked "in land" to traditional housekeeping working opportunities. With the Tourist Agency Women Cooperative working it will provide new job opportunities for adult and youngsters women as well eco solutions to improve tourism business with good practices, regulations and protocols.
Pengungkit Perilaku Digunakan
Jelaskan implementasi Anda
- Specific activities : promote and support to address the Tourist Agency Women Cooperative in operative mode within 60 days of action group force.
- How you ensured your solution was adopted and promoted change in behavior: with regular and strong campaigns with the 3 schools involvements, the wealth and social services, the bed & breakfast owners and the boats services we will provide guideswomen job opportunities.
- Enabling conditions: the real local interest to promote eco solutions and tourism upgrade at same time.
- Key success factors: financial seed money and angel money to start the project
- Any obstacles and how you overcame them: the search of financial support match the local interest schedule
Jelaskan kepemimpinan untuk solusi Anda. Siapa yang memimpin pelaksanaannya?
Our six years of local involvement with all the community campaigns and search of job opportunities for youth and adult women has promote intense commitment to go further.
Since 2002 Escola Viveiro has fit good and professional projects to improve solutions in community issues for education and social environment goals.
Bagikan beberapa mitra atau pemangku kepentingan utama yang terlibat dalam pengembangan dan implementasi solusi Anda.
AMAM _ Associação dos Amigos do Mamanguá
Diretoria de Ensino de Paraty _ governamental direction to schools.
Líderes Comunitários do Cruzeiro_ local village in Mamanguá
Siapa yang mengadopsi perilaku yang diinginkan dan sejauh mana? Sertakan penjelasan tentang bagaimana Anda mengukur perubahan pe
Our project will measure the desired behavior after its start.
Bagaimana dampak pencemaran air? Harap spesifik dan sertakan metodologi pengukuran jika relevan.
The Basic Sanitation System in the Rural Area is initially composed of two technologies, the "Biodigestive Septic Tank" and the "Clorador Embrapa". These technologies, due to their social and national reach, have brought great return to Brazilian society. Embrapa Instrumentação has made efforts to publicize the system throughout the national territory, through public and private partnerships and has observed the need for training qualified partners in different regions of Brazil, so that the work dissemination of technology in the national territory is optimized in costs and time to fill a gap in Rural Basic Sanitation with the treatment of the so-called "gray water", composed of sewag.
Bagaimana solusi Anda berdampak pada tantangan kesetaraan (termasuk ras, jenis kelamin, etnis, kelas/pendapatan sosial, atau lai
The Tourist Agency Women Cooperative is gender friendly and will promote strong cultural transformation to all native local community with better income, job qualification and social benefits.
Apa saja manfaat tambahan sosial dan/atau komunitas?
All children, youth, adults and tourists WILL be beneficiaries
Apa sajakah manfaat tambahan lingkungan?
Wealth, public local education, job qualification, income local rate and professional protocols to tourism and social environmental solutions.
Apa sajakah manfaat tambahan dari pembangunan berkelanjutan?
New jobs opportunities to all women in community across the time. Better educations skills for new professionals in tourism protocols, new sanitarian tecnologies apllied in the filed. Scalability to others regions and neighborhoods.
Keberlanjutan: Jelaskan keberlanjutan ekonomi dari solusi Anda.
Better touristic approach to sell short and long period vacations packages.
Model to scale to other regions and neighborhood.
Market admiration and impact.
Pengembalian investasi: Berapa biaya untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ini? Bagaimana hasil Anda di atas dibandingkan dengan investasi
We project a two year payback return of investments with the Cooperative increase of tourists fee.
Bagaimana kita bisa berhasil mereplikasi solusi ini di tempat lain?
The fulfillment of the project and its economic success in the community ordinary lives will be the others regions and neighborhood to do the same.