An Overview Of Our Solution
The “Guardian” initiative is our newest program where we will work closely with the city of Sedona and surrounding towns and Arizona to more effectively and collectively address the mounting issues facing Oak Creek to create a sustainable eco-tourism plan.
In light of the quantity of visitors we get every year and the damage being done to Oak Creek we recognize that we need to initiate a sustainable ecotourism plan to address the issues of water pollution, pet waste, traffic in this very popular Arizona travel destination.
The "Guardian" initiative involves civic appeal to reinforce no-pet policy near swimming locations and set designated bus transport locations to regulate visitor quantity and reduce traffic to Oak Creek swim and recreation locations. Short trip on city bus also offers golden opportunity to go over rules and facts about this area
- Population Impacted: 3 Million every year
- Continent: North America
Primeiro nome
Tipo de organização
Análise de contexto
The Oak Creek Watershed Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to preserving the health and integrity of Oak Creek. As one of the last free-running streams in Arizona, Oak Creek is a precious jewel of riparian habitat in the desert Southwest, where human activity has destroyed over 90% of all rivers and streams.
Oak Creek Watershed Council has been around for over 18 years and hosts a variety of environmental public education and service programs including water quality sampling, Macroinvertebrate and tree surveys, seasonal trash cleanup and pet waste station program.
Despite community ambassador programs that have kept over 23,000 pounds of trash out of the watershed and the maintenance of 31 pet waste stations that have kept 30,000 pounds of pet waste out of Oak Creek, this area still suffers from repeated exceedance of E. coli standards indicated by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) that lists Oak Creek as an impaired water system.
Descreva a solução técnica que você queria que o público-alvo adotasse
The "Guardian" Initiative will be the largest and farthest reaching initiative to date.
With the cooperation and collaboration of the city of Sedona and surrounding towns we will designate park and ride locations to bus visitors to the Oak Creek swimming and recreation locations. Visitors can buy passes that will pay for the staffing and transport costs. These buses will take people to and from the locations, and be attended by city or Creek ambassadors that will provide information on trash and bathroom facilities as well as other rules and considerations for visitors. By regulating the quantity of visitors at any one time we can better ensure a pristine nature experience, a contrast to the crowded swimming pool free-for-all that the Creek is too often reduced to. Working with local law officials we can enforce the no-pets by swim areas rule. By working with local government and city officials we can solve the serious issues affecting this beautiful waterway.
Descreva sua intervenção comportamental.
"Guardian" gives visitors a way to be part of the solution not the problem!
Through the "Guardian" initiative outreach program we partner with local creatives, musicians, artists, dancers, regional influencers and celebrity visitors to share the importance of being a "Guardian" and making the reformations necessary to make the area a sustainable ecotourism destination for years to come.
We seek to "nudge" visitors behavior by sponsoring and funding artistic creations about and for the preservation and respect of nature in Sedona and the surrounding towns this is a central part of the messaging in this sustainable ecotourism outreach effort.
With "Guardian", our visitors won't have to worry about finding parking at the Creek or having it be too crowded. We can also deepen their connection with the nature and area they are experiencing by sharing rules & info on the way. By embedding respect for nature and water in the culture of the area and in the attention of civic leaders, business and the state we can make change for the better.
Local businesses know the value of our 3 million visitors a year and will partner with us to help reduce traffic on roads to Oak Creek Recreation sites via the park and ride bussing system. With smaller groups of people visiting these locations and a guide present people often feel more personal responsibility and will be less likely to litter.
Alavancas Comportamentais Utilizadas
Conforme necessário, explique como você utilizou a(s) alavanca(s) com mais detalhes.
Social influences part of the "Guardian" initiative from local, regional and celebrity visitors can direct a positive light on being a part of the solution to the issues with Oak Creek. These influencers will share on social media and local news broadcasts, newspapers and visitor information guides. Using, spreading and educating on the tenets of ecotourism can leave a lasting message.
The choice architecture of making it easy for visitors to pay to visit Oak Creek recreation sites via the bus park and ride. Visitors will no longer have to worry about traffic, parking or over crowding will assure a quality experience for the regulated quantity of people at the sites at any one time, it will also be a great safety advantage to have a guide person with first aid and knowledge of the area, resources, facilities etc.
Rules and regulations do also need to be enforced via fine around the no-pets policy around swimming areas in the at risk area of Oak Creek.
Descreva sua implementação
The Oak Creek recreation sites have more visitors than the area itself can responsibly or sustainably manage. The sheer quantity of visitors this area receives makes it evermore essential to regulate for the protection of the resource itself as well as preservation of the oak creek experience in general.
City council and town hall meeting presentations can illustrate for the town of Sedona and its citizens the negative effects that the visitors have had on the natural area. It is in the best interest of the town, businesses and people of Sedona and surrounding area to proactively address the water pollution and trash issues that are mounting for the sake of their own destination reputation and the integrity of the landscape and nature that so many adore.
Key success factors for the "Guardian" initiative are the adoption of the Oak Creek park-n-ride. Tickets sold for this transport will fund the bus system and its staffing.
Responsible locals do not want to be restricted in their access to Oak Creek but must also follow the no-pets policy around swimming locations when at the Oak Creek Recreation areas.
Visitors from previous years may be initially upset by changes in access to the Oak Creek recreation sites however they will be assured that these changes were made with the visitors and the natural resource in mind and that the new procedures will ensure a uncrowded, safe experience.
The challenge is to provide a quality Oak Creek experience without damaging the nature and water that provides that experience. The sooner that the city of Sedona and the organizations and businesses within it work together to create a sustainable ecotourism plan that addresses the quantity regulation of visitors to the Oak Creek recreation sites the sooner this natural resource and waterways of Oak Creek can be restored to natural splendor.
Descreva a liderança para sua solução. Quem está liderando a implementação?
Leadership on the "Guardian" initiative will take the whole village, community members, ecological groups, special interest groups, churches, businesses and the city itself in order to properly implement.
Community members and friends of Oak Creek can all have a role in helping share the mission but it will also be the community and civic center leaders who will need to step up and give priority to the solution at hand so that businesses too will see the value in preserving the nature that so many travel so far to experience in Sedona and surrounding country.
Oak Creek Watershed Council is itself a mix of mature and young professionals who all share a passion for the environment and are skilled at community engagement.
Likewise spiritual groups care deeply about this area and need an invitation to show their support of these efforts.
Compartilhe alguns dos principais parceiros ou partes interessadas envolvidos no desenvolvimento e implementação de sua solução.
Key stakeholders in prioritizing and designating resources for this solution include the civic leaders of the city of Sedona. Namely Sandy Moriarty and Scott Jablow, Mayor and vice Mayor of Sedona their councilors Bill Chisholm, Kathy Kinsella, Tom Lamkin, Holli Ploog and Jessica Williamson. Local law and state officials are also interested in solutions to the traffic issues in particular.
Local volunteers, artists, musicians from the public and local religious institutions including: Chapel Of The Holy Cross, Canyon Trails Cowboy Church, John of God Center, Sanctuary In Sedona, Mystical Truth, Rainbow Ray Focus, Art of Living, University of Life Church, Starseed & Urantian Schools,The Church of The Golden Age and the
Ashram of Enlightenment. All of these are spiritual organizations that are also part of keeping Oak Creek pristine and beautiful for future generations.
A local Sedona based marketing agency with environmental focus will work for this cause and will assist in the social media and influencer outreach. I am also an independent consultant that am prepared to assist in the preparation of presentation material and sustainable ecotourism outline.
Quem adotou o(s) comportamento(s) desejado(s) e em que grau? Inclua uma explicação de como você mediu uma mudança de comportamen
Visitors fill out a survey about their visit to Oak Creek recreation site using the Oak Creek park and ride this gives us the opportunity to gain insight into their experience. The park-and-ride system made visiting the sites easier and safer for everyone and managed the quantity of visitors to avoid over crowding.
Change in behavior can be measured by the decrease in the amount of trash left by visitors under the new initiative as well as the drop in E. coli levels due to the enforcement of the no-pets by swimming area rules.
Como você impactou a poluição da água? Por favor, seja específico e inclua a metodologia de medição quando relevante.
When groups of visitors to Oak Creek Recreational sites were regulated in number over the course of one year via the "Guardian" initiative's park-n-ride bus ride system the water pollution due to trash was greatly reduced. E.coli levels too where not out of range so that it was not unsafe to swim.
On an average trash clean up day volunteers can rake in about 100 pounds of trash in a few hours. After a year of "Guardian" initiative volunteers scoured the creek to find only 30 pounds, which is a reduction of close to 75%.Since the abundance of trash on the creek had been a factor in the attraction of animals and their droppings the reduction in trash and litter on the waterway did directly & effectively reduce E.coli levels. C02 emissions are less due to communal transport.
Como sua solução impactou os desafios de equidade (incluindo raça, gênero, etnia, classe social/renda ou outros)?
The implementation of the "Guardian" plan and the Oak Creek park-n-ride bus service has actually increased accessibility to the Oak Creek recreation sites for minorities, people with disabilities and the general public. The bus makes it easier to get to and from these sites without fighting traffic or having to own a car. Since the bus is the way the majority of visitors arrive at the location it is also a way for locals to interact with visitors and fellow community members to connect.
Quais foram alguns co-benefícios sociais e/ou comunitários?
The social benefits of involvement in the "Guardian" initiative are clear in both social and business landscape of Sedona. Creative and spiritual leaders have taken the opportunity to reach out and protect their native land and visitors alike have gained a deeper appreciation of the nature that surrounds this area.
Civic leaders were excited to be a part of a much needed solution to the issues facing Oak Creek Watershed and business leaders too were ready to embrace the change.
Quais foram alguns co-benefícios ambientais?
On an average trash clean up day volunteers can rake in about 100 pounds of trash in a few hours. After a year of "Guardian" initiative volunteers scoured the creek to find only 30 pounds, which is a reduction of close to 75%.Since the abundance of trash on the creek had been a factor in the attraction of animals and their droppings the reduction in trash and litter on the waterway did directly & effectively reduce E.coli levels. C02 emissions are less due to communal transport.
Quais foram alguns co-benefícios do desenvolvimento sustentável?
Sustainable development is successful only when it improves people's well-being without degrading the environment. We made the necessary changes to the way we handle visitors of Oak Creek. In order to have a sustainable ecotourism future and maintain the integrity of the pristine nature that surrounds us we needed to act.
Sustentabilidade: Descreva a sustentabilidade econômica de sua solução.
The "Guardian" initiative Oak Creek park-and-ride bus system charges for the round trip. This cost goes towards the bus service itself as well as the staff of guide and driver. This price covers the cost of the bus service and after that provides for the trash and pet waste stations that are currently managed by the Oak Creek Watershed Council. The service itself cuts down on traffic and the city has agreed to designate a portion of its yearly budget to the the Oak Creek Watershed Council.
Retorno do investimento: quanto custou para implementar essas atividades? Como seus resultados acima se comparam a esse investim
The "Guardian" initiative took a 70,000 donation from a private individual in Sedona to initiate and instantiate the program coordination and planning with local city officials and organizations. Primary donation was used to present and propose initiative to decision makers and nature loving patrons in the community for funding. The value returned to the community in the way of enhanced natural resource access and visitor regulation and protections for Oak Creek has helped ensure the future of the regions greatest asset and ecotourism industry and that is priceless.
Como poderíamos replicar com sucesso essa solução em outro lugar?
This "Guardian" initiative is a solution that could be used for most any natural resource that needs to be regulated and protected. The most essential part of this initiative is that both civic leaders, law and community members agree on and are clear in what is going on and why. It is really important to have the understanding and support of everyone in order to make the plan a success. At the end of the day everyone wants to be a part of the solution so projects like this should be undertaken by those who are enthusiastic, motivated and who are active in their communities. Funding is required to get things done but it won't take as much as you might think it might to get things off the ground. One skilled person can secure hundreds of thousands in funding for environmental initiatives that will effect millions down the road.
By connecting groups of people who share common goals like the city and environmental groups we can better address the problems we face as a community.