An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Africa
P.O Box 43314-00100, Nairobi
1,055 km�
We have managed to train the community on; 1) Need to environment protection and conservation, 2) Proper methods of farming to control soil erosion and also to increase their farming output to ensure food security. 3) Methods of using clean energy e.g we managed to design 600 samples of biomass stoves which worked successfully and we are in the event of looking for funds to enable us implement a full project where we target each household to have at least one biomass stove. 4) We have also planted 50,000 trees and we are in the event of planting others. 5) Good methods of waste disposal especially non biodegradable materials e.g plastics which should not be thrown away, burnt nor burred but should be recycled. 6) Need to conserve our wild life including wild animals and birds.
There has been reduced cases of land slides and floods Clean energy due to improved stoves name 'jiko ya kisasa' in Kiswahili.
We conduct different trainings at different locations and the annual cost on this is $ 5,000
This is realized through other extra activities e.g singing, modelling, beauty contests among others
There has been improved food production and reduced cases of diseases.
1. At first, there was lack of information on these remedies until we involved the experts. 2) Lack of adequate funds and resources such as tools and human capital. This has never been enough but we try through membership contributions and fund raising from well wishers. 3) Hostility of some people in the community due to resistant to new ideas but we were saved by the intervention of the administration Chiefs and District officers
Through the organizational assessments, we identified the following risks and threats: i) Soil erosion and floods, ii) Killings of wild animals through poaching, iii) Dirty atmosphere due to burning of unclean materials e.g plastic and polythene bags. iv) Poor methods of planting. v) Tree cutting and charcoal burning. All of these studies we do regularly depending on the relevant project we want to implement. The implementation is done during the project period and also post implementation procedures are carried out to ensure long term solution to such threats. We also make sure that we fully involve the community in every decision making since they are the primary beneficiary of every activity/project that we conduct.
Training-It helps in involving the community in environmental conservation Tree planting-Making the soil firm to reduce erosion and land slides
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
The community are now aware of the clean gas emulsion and and and they are aware of the need to protect our ecosystem.
Now there is proper use and utilization of land, lakes, rivers and other natural resources which in turn benefit the community a lot.
There has been a proper and timely coordination between the farmers, fishermen and the traders due to adequacy in all the products.
The community is now the ambassador of their own environment and appropriate disciplinary measures are taken to any one trying to interfere.
Yes it can.It only require proper planning and a professional approach to make sure that the results reflect the budgeted and planned activities. This is innovative since it is a reflection of what is happening on the ground and it is implemented by the local community.