An Overview Of Our Solution

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The solution for the present climate crisis is through Awareness creation among international citizens about Anthropogenic climate change and the mitigation measures like switching over to renewable energy production ,Agroforestry and community forestry .Through Agroforestry and community forestry the micro climate of the particular and adjacent villages will be cooled and will bring rain from the passing clouds which intern will improve underground water table for fresh water requirement for farming and households.The migration of poor farmers (the climate sensitive community) to urban areas in search of jobs due to repeated crop failures due to drought will be decreased in long run as the agroforestry will provide food and fodder during dry seasons and community forestry will give them new employment opportunity to both rural and urban poor .
Green cover improvement in rural and urban areas ,number of animal species noticed per unit of time after one year of solution(project) implementation.
By installing renewable energy units by the global citizens they need not to pay to public grid system which runs in fossil fuel and can enjoy uninterrupted power supply especially country like india where there are frequent black outs per single day so their business will go uninterrupted and will improve their economical status.Coming to Agroforestry and community forestry the landless laborers can get sustainable income apart from income generated from byproducts.
" Number of Renewable energy units per unit area ,Poor farmers living status ,public investments from the funds raised by selling byproducts of community forestry after one year of solution(project) implementation."
High cost of Renewable energy production units ,Lack of interest on environment by some people ,No records on cost benefit ratio on usage of renewable energy units in long run ,the eclogical and monetary benefits of agroforestry and community forestry will come in long run(from fifth year onwards) which make the farmers , rural and urban administration to concerns to show immediate interest.
We are late but not too late to frame a solution for the international climate crisis.As we have only one atmosphere that we all sharing, the solution too will be international. But all our international Climate change conferences ended with mere arguments rather than the solution. As long as there are differences between developed and developing nations there will not be any solution for this international climate crisis however, there is only one way to deal this issue beyond the international politics that is by non governmental way. Like minded Non governmental organizations should form a net work to make aware the international citizens about the anthropogenic climate change and its mitigation methods. Once the citizens of a nation realize the importance of switching to renewable energy resource for their energy needs, will trigger a spurt of new business ventures on renewable energy units and will automatically influence the government to reform the energy policy to favor renewable energy production and subsidies. That is the tools of the solution includes awareness advertisements in mass media like famous international to local TV channels ,Hoardings in international air port terminals to local bus stands and awareness camps in socially active places in rural and urban areas of the countries. As the awareness grows among the international citizens on the mitigation methods like switching towards use of renewable energy production ,Agroforestry and community forestry will contribute for major reduction in international emission and improvement in food security among poor farmers who are the major stakeholders of the present climate crisis. The length of the project may take two years to even a decade till a remarkable emission reduction is achieved.
As the solution is mere by Awareness creation to replace fossil fuel usage for the global energy needs by using audio and vedio aids to international citizens, there is always chances for origin of new non governmental organizations and even governmental policies to safe guard our atmosphere from further warming .As more and more general public aware the climate crisis and the mitigation methods like agroforestry and community forestry, will bring back the lost green cover of the nation by that will create niche for biodiversity improvement. The community forestry include both inland forestry in public owned land to coastal mangroves as the community forestry scheme will be monitored by people themselves of the particular village.
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
The cascading events of climate change due to the emission so far is unavoidable however, the solution strives to avoid further emission which intern will increase the hit of worst climate events in future because, as the CO2 build up is steeply increasing in the atmosphere,year by year will soon mimic the primordial earth's atmosphere which was so violent with super hurricanes in a size of a continent or desertification in other areas of the planet .As the project advocate agroforestry and community forestry, the micro climate of the landscapes will be improved to bring seasonal rain and can improve fertility status of soil against the harsh temperatures of climate change as an adaptability strategy for the ecosystem.
As present climate change events affect mostly on poor farmers in and around equator, the solution addresses the livelihood improvement of those farmer by advocating them agroforestry.In long run, the soil moisture loss of the cultivable land will be minimized due to agroforestry around the farm borders where they can cultivate their food grain rather than leaving as fallow due to drought .Also the farm trees will protect their crop from wind turbulence and yield fruits and fodder which will support their protein requirements in their food and the surplus they can sell. If the area is flood prone then the tree species will give fodder for their animals which deprive pastures and even give shelter to them during flood.
As the solution strives to avoid further build up of CO2 in the atmosphere, it always reduce the sensitivity of the communities affected for the years to come.
As the solution (Project) itself a global one, local communities adaptation will be automatically addressed and will be secured for the years to come.
The solution itself for global application.