An Overview Of Our Solution
Four strategic points were identified to work to reduce wildlife trafficking in the Amazonian regions of Loreto and Madre de Dios, which can be presented in a kit/digital toolbox ( TecniFauna23 ) accessible from smartphones, tablets or computers that contains the following set of elements: a Guide-repository , to provide scientific knowledge on the species of wildlife to be used sustainably (hunting quotas, pets, food, skins, among others). Collection and hunting calendar and regulations , including reproductive and closed season calendars, as well as their regulations and control. Technical guide for the promotion of the formation and management of specialized farms. Use of a personalized APP for the registration and monitoring of prioritized species.

- Population Impacted: 116,355 people
- Continent: South America
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Context Analysis
CINCIA has been working in two Amazonian departments of Madre de Dios and Loreto. These maintain a large presence of biological diversity, which has been exploited and used under the modalities of enabling titles, special use and conservation agreements. Despite this, wild flora and fauna have been exploited in an unsustainable manner and, in some cases, illegally. In the case of flora, it is estimated that the illegal business moves between USD 52 billion to 157 billion, with the People's Republic of China as the main international buyer; while for wildlife, it is obtained that, on a global scale, some 30,000 primates, two to five million birds, two to three million reptiles and between 500 to 6000 million ornamental fish are traded annually to meet the demand such as pets, zoos and laboratories. The use of wildlife due to its demand is increasing in various tropical areas of the world, including the areas of the Peruvian Amazon, leading to levels of unsustainability, with species trafficking and hunting pressure without management criteria among the main causes. of population decline and local extinction of many wild species. For the use of biological diversity in Madre de Dios, there are the modalities of enabling titles. There are 1,224 concessions for the use of timber and non-timber (other forest products), covering a total of 1,975,810.33 hectares, which are outside protected natural areas. But for the use of wildlife it is very low to date (05), mainly because the authorities do not have an approved and socialized collection and hunting calendar for species. In the case of Loreto, it is different, it has a total of 307 concessions, 320 permits; and for the specific case of wildlife, it has 28 initiatives.
Describe the technical solution you wanted the target audience to adopt
The use of technology to achieve the identified actions becomes a priority, since it facilitates data collection, evaluation, monitoring and follow-up of the wildlife species of interest with which you want to work. Students, researchers and the general public are interested in working with technology and associating it with providing solutions. In this sense, the sustainable use of wildlife becomes interesting as an alternative and legal trade opportunity. Mainly identify the promotion of specialized farms to manage wildlife as pets, bushmeat, use of skins, use of teeth and hooves as handicrafts that can be obtained when properly managed, under the terms and regulations required by regional and national authorities. . Scientific tourism will be a complement that will use technology to carry out research on key species of fauna in strategic areas.
Describe your behavioral intervention.
CINCIA, for eight years has been working directly with technology for the collection of scientific data in the field, for the systematization, analysis and finally, the dissemination of results for adequate decision making. With this, the proposal to manage a digital platform that contains a virtual toolkit where scientific and specific information on the wildlife to be promoted and monitored can be consulted, as well as the regulations, regulations, a work alternative could generate an alternative to know the fauna. In the APP, as one of the tools, it can be used for data collection in the field and for monitoring with the competent authorities. By working with the academy, it has been identified that young students and teachers are interested in handling technologies to apply them in their professional careers. This is evidenced in the courses and diplomas developed jointly. This proposal is seen as an alternative to know the species to use and promote, as well as motivate people to take advantage of them in a formal and fair way. This would be helping to reduce trade, since people will be more aware and familiar through a digital platform that is easily accessible from anywhere. The work with native communities also shows the work and use of technology, as an alternative for monitoring and knowledge from another perspective.
Behavioral Levers Utilized
As needed, please explain how you utilized the lever(s) in more detail.
A "toolbox" will be developed on a virtual platform that brings together the utilities for knowledge, management, care and management of wildlife. It is proposed to generate a virtual repository on wildlife species that will be promoted for their sustainable use. scientific research on the recognized species to make adequate decisions promoting the permits that will derive from obtaining the initiative on specialized zoocriaderos.Promotion of the formal and legal management of wildlife will be generated, through the technical guides for its promotion and management.Finally, it will be They will develop events to promote and disseminate results and experiences to share nationally and internationally.With this work, natural and legal persons are encouraged to try a formal and profitable business alternative that is regulated and fair by the competent authorities, providing facilities and funds.
Describe your implementation
Design and implementation of a downloadable virtual platform on tablets, smartphones and computers, which contains four virtual tools: 1. Guide-virtual repository, will contain detailed scientific information (sex, population, dispersal maps, hunting/gathering season, season of reproduction and closed seasons). 2. Hunting calendar and regulations: This activity is one of the priorities. It is necessary to strengthen and generate the previous steps to promote the management and promotion of wildlife. 3. T echnical guide for the design and management of specialized farms with adequate information of interest to promote natural persons and legal entities to manage wildlife formally, through an alternative, controlled and safe market. 4. Use of the application (APP) to generate registration and monitoring/follow-up of prioritized wildlife species. It will be used by the general public, students, teachers, national and international researchers in order to generate information of interest on Madre de Dios and Loreto.
With this platform that contains these tools that are easy to use and access, it is expected that the population will learn more about wildlife and decide to start an alternative business such as specialized farms. This detail is important, since Loreto has 28 farms, while Madre de Dios has only 5.
Additionally, promoting and incentivizing research from tourism becomes interesting, since there are some initiatives that have spaces in strategic areas, outside of the ANP, where stations and centers can be generated and strengthened to develop scientific tourism activities. They will be able to use the tools, mainly the APP for the registration and monitoring of key and prioritized fauna species.
Describe the leadership for your solution. Who is leading the implementation?
In the first place will be CINCIA, as an institution that would be leading and executing the "Tecnifauna23" project and innovation. It is planned to join the academy, through the universities of UNAMAD and UNAP . Likewise, to the Regional Government of Madre de Dios (GOREMAD) and the Regional Environmental Management (GRAM) of Loreto, as the key and important actors for the success of the actions, which will be coordinating at all times with CINCIA, to develop and strengthen them within the framework of the innovation project as planned. The articulation with the academy is included since it will be of vital importance to promote with them the use and promotion of the platform for the management of wildlife. Private entities will be articulated as it is the key point so that sustainability can be achieved under a livelihood and eco-business approach, the design and management of specialized farms, placing them on display for the national and international market.
Share some of the key partners or stakeholders engaged in your solution development and implementation.
CINCIA has been generating and promoting scientific research in different fields, from academia to decision makers at various levels of government in the Amazonian regions of Madre de Dios and Loreto. Generating recovery and reforestation projects in areas degraded by illegal gold mining, and working with them to improve and technologically innovate the process of work and environmental recovery, through strengthening capacities for and for scientific research applied to solutions. With the GORE's, information for decision-making has been strengthened and generated; They are the competent authorities at the regional level on the issues of management and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna. With the universities, they are already generating and promoting basic and applied scientific research initiatives with an ecosystem approach and a large landscape, in different prioritized topics in the two departments. CINCIA has signed agreements with both public and private entities in both Amazonian departments to promote research and development. In addition, CINCIA has been working with educational centers at the primary, secondary and technical levels, where dissemination events on scientific information and opportunities to develop research and technical training are promoted. We have been working collectively with some institutions allied to CINCIA, which have the mission of conserving biological diversity and promoting its sustainable use. CINCIA is part of the regional collective, for land management and environmental governance, which are in constant coordination to add to the same purpose.
With all this carried out since the beginning of its activities, CINCIA has been able to generate strong relationships and learn about the work to be carried out according to the realities that are experienced in the Amazonian departments where it works.
Who adopted the desired behavior(s) and to what degree? Include an explanation of how you measured a change in behavior.
In Loreto there are some private farms that are already developing alternative commercial dynamics, but it is still scarce and without effective promotion by the competent authorities. CINCIA, having its institutional headquarters in Loreto, is forming a network of institutions and specialists in environmental issues, remediation and recovery in degraded areas, as well as working closely with academia, with UNAP and, potentially, with educational centers at the primary and secondary level. At the level of Madre de Dios, work has been done in the same way with UNAMAD and the primary and secondary educational centers. Promoting scientific research and financing. It manages scientific data and an Amazon fish repository that is beginning to promote research. For this reason, it is necessary to manage technology to know and monitor Amazonian wildlife, strengthening the young sector of the population.
How did you impact the environment (biodiversity conservation, ecosystems, etc.)? Please be specific and include measurement methodology where relevant.
CINCIA has developed in Madre de Dios, the issue of water ecosystem services, and their conservation value of the services provided by some streams and basins of interest to the department, planting for their protection from the threat of deforestation and mining activity illegal, bad agricultural practices and land trafficking, and applying the InVEST methodology and virtual tool, the values of hydrological ecosystem services were measured, dimensioned and quantified from technical parameters such as: sedimentation variables, water retention and surface runoff and proposing the conservation of bodies of water and marginal forests with Mechanisms for the Retribution of Water Ecosystem Services MERESE-H. In addition, CINCIA has been studying the hydrobiology of bodies of water originated as an impact of illegal mining activity and generating local basic and applied science such as the Ichthyological Scientific Collection in Madre de Dios.
How has your solution impacted equity challenges (including race, ethnicity, social class/income, indigenous communities, or others)?
CINCIA works hard and promotes gender equality, where women play an important role in scientific research, as well as the ability to write and disseminate results; especially promoting the participation of girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Thanks to the projects that are being developed, the participation of women and indigenous groups in each event is promoted. It is understood that the virtual toolkit may be used by the general public and without any restriction of gender or cultural origin. It will be created so that it can be manipulated, consulted and personalized at any time and from anywhere by anyone, but it is understood that, as the first prototype version, it will be applied to the departments of Loreto and Madre de Dios. "Tecnifauna23" is designed for urban and rural Amazonian youth and young adults.
What were some social and/or community co-benefits?
CINCIA has been promoting technological use at all levels. In Madre de Dios, he has been working with social groups at an environmental level and promoting research. Technological use is part of the program that is managed. In addition, with UNAMAD it has been working to generate scientific research. At the Loreto level, they have been working with UNAP, promoting research for students, which is including the management and use of technology and virtual tools.
What were some sustainable development co-benefits?
At the student level, CINCIA has already been working to promote scientific research and the use and management of technological tools. The answers that are getting a good reception and results. The agreements that exist with the universities (UNAMAD in Madre de Dios and UNAP in Loreto) help to work directly on programs and postgraduate diplomas of interest and to improve future professionals. The acceptance of young people about technology is perceived
Sustainability: Describe the economic sustainability of your solution.
At the level of specialized and implemented farms to start with the commercial processes. It is intended to empower those interested in generating and managing a specialized farm to provide an alternative to trade. To reach trade and export, a series of processes must be followed which will be known and executed, in coordination with the authorities, to promote them inside and outside the country. Promotion of scientific tourism, it will use technology, in this case the application tool, it will register and monitor the key species identified. It is important to promote some stations in strategic areas (Loreto and Madre de Dios) in order to adequately develop scientific research.
Return on investment: How much did it cost to implement these activities? How do your results above compare to this investment?
The main DEA is in the process of design and potential execution. Due to the previous works that CINCIA has been working on previously and preparing the stage for a project of this magnitude. The return on investment includes aspects such as the valorization of having made the population aware of the utility and application of science and the knowledge that it generates in solutions, alternatives, risk prevention, environmental remediation and the care of ecosystems at different levels (student population and university, scientific community, communication media, indigenous organizations, formal mining concessionaires, decision makers at the regional and national level (more than US$5 million).
How could we successfully replicate this solution in Latin America?
It is potentially replicable and customizable for each department of Peru, since we are talking about a virtual platform that, to begin with, can be visited from anywhere with internet access, and can be updated at any time, always generating new information on the species. prioritized. Likewise, it can be customized according to the reality of the departments and the species that are approved and under management. But to start the pilot, the virtual tool is being customized for the aforementioned Amazonian regions, but it could quickly be applied in the departments of Amazonas, Ucayali and San Martín, since they share some species of wildlife with potential for use. through specialized farms and for scientific tourism. The competent authorities will be able to empower themselves with the virtual tool so that they can carry out monitoring and follow-up actions of the approved species.
Themes Related To Wildlife Trafficking in Peru
Peruvian Regions Applicable
Describe how the technical solution addresses wildlife trafficking in the Peruvian Amazon.
It is important to identify that the technological - digital is the entry point with generations of young people, for this reason it is established as a priority for the present proposal. Technology has become important for monitoring and/or tracking. For this specific case of wildlife, we refer to the traceability of the resource. But this resource must be included in a list and approved for its proper use. You want to work on a virtual platform that contains useful tools that provide scientific information on wildlife species that can be used at a sustainable level. This platform will provide information on the populations of fauna species, their situation, hunting quotas, closed seasons, reproduction, photographs, illustrations, videos, among others. Another tool included is an APP that registers and monitors the prioritized and approved species for each region, generating field data.
Describe the sustainability and scalability of your technical solution
The sustainability of the innovation presented lies in the participation of NGOs, GERFOR's, Universities and private initiatives of the departments to work. As well as in the socialization and empowerment in the use of the unique access link to the four resources of the Technological Kit, which is provided on the management and conservation of wildlife. Likewise, at an economic level, specialized farms and scientific tourism will be the activities to promote in markets.
If applicable, explain the level of progress of the solution
The solution is in the initial conceptual design phase, as well as in coordination both with organizations in Loreto and with private initiatives in Madre de Dios; at levels of zoocriaderos and scientific tourism. Although in isolation, CINCIA has been working and promoting research in some groups of fauna with the universities of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD) and Loreto (UNAP) , innovations with NGOs and management from GERFOR's forest managers and environmental management managers .
What are the additional sources of funding for the solution?
Potentially there is an investment of about USD $25K (non-monetary counterpart in kind, appreciation of the work of professionals, research and preliminary publications). The proposal adds the valued contribution of the counterpart of the allies Regional Environmental Management, National Amazon University of Madre de Dios UNAMAD, the National University of the Peruvian Amazon UNAP, the University of Engineering and Technology UTEC, the Museum of Natural History from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the Zoological Society of Frankfurt SZF-Peru, and NGOs such as: Vita Amazónica Association AVA, Latin American Foundation for the Amazon Tropics FUNDAMAZONIA.
Cost of Innovative Solution
The "TecniFauna23" Innovation means an investment of S/.540,500 nuevos soles, of which approximately S/.130,000 nuevos soles correspond to the Design and Testing phases; S/. 170,000 nuevos soles in the phases of Socialization and Exchange of Experiences Madre de Dios Loreto; S/70,000 nuevos soles in the Incidence and Construction phases of Public-Private Alliances; S/. 100,000 nuevos soles as personnel costs (Fees, Consultancies and specialized Services) and S/.70,500 of indirect costs.