An Overview Of Our Solution
- Population Impacted:
- Continent: North America
Organization type
Population impacted
Size of agricultural area
Production quantity
People employed
Describe your solution
Describe your implementation
External connections
What is the environmental or ecological challenge you are targeting with your solution?
Describe the context in which you are operating
According with OECD, Mexico is one of the more affected countries in terms of soil degradation (almost 50% of its territory with damaged soils). Also, SEMARNAT (Mexican environmental ministry) revealed that 92.7% of the Mexican surface has been suffered fertility decrease because the use of agrichemicals.
To fight back this problem, many private and governmental organizations work on promoting sustainable agriculture through different initiatives as awareness communication programs, training, technology transferring, divulgating use of traditional techniques and promoting use of bio fertilizers and bio pesticides. However, many of these initiatives are separated, isolated, uncoordinated and not provide a comprehensive solution to agricultures problems.
Specifically, in the case of bio fertilizers and bio pesticides many of the options available in the market are poor effective; difficult to implement for extensive agricultural areas; not compatible with advanced agricultural machinery and practices; and also, these products are perceived as a low tech products intended for being used by small and less advanced growers.
Likewise, agricultures got used to chemical fertilizers and pesticides and there is a reluctance to use new technologies. Unfortunately, sustainability is not a priority for a lot of growers; they are looking for options to increase their productivity, more than respect the environment.
How did you impact natural resource use and greenhouse gas emissions?
Food Security/Nutrition
Economic/Sustainable Development
At the beginning we started focused in national and regional organizations of small growers who receive governmental grants, but we diversified to other groups. Our business model considers 3 different market targets. Small growers are attended with government grants. Medium growers are attended by a distribution network created since 2015. Large companies (Nestle, Grupo Modelo, exporters) are attended directly by our technical team. The cost of our technology is very cheap , so in the case of small growers, once they realize the benefits of the system they are willing to pay it by themselves. We have experimented exponential growth, passing from 1,500 growers with 4,000 hectares in 2013, to 25,000 growers with 60,000 hectares in 2016.