An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Oceania
22 Daku Road
Population impacted
1378 hectares
Major Occupations
Local resources the community depends on, and for what purpose
Local threats to resources
Climate Hazards
Level of sensitivity
Level of adaptive capacity
The Yadua community have very limited alternative livelihood compared to other communities. In terms of location, it is remotely located which cost a high amount of money to travel. Currently, young men have been part of the diving crew for a diving company based on the island, in which they earn a huge amount of money compared to any other money driven activities in the village. A lone canteen is also operated on the island run by a woman who is very successful all these years because of the demand from the community members. The rest of the community depends only on Fisheries as an alternative source of income and livelihood. Food security was a major concern for the community. From this climate change adaptation, a lot of crop and vegetable varieties were introduced into the island and have successfully grown which indicate a high chance of survival on the island. In addition, Marine Protected Area is also established on the island for sustainable harvesting of marine resources. Communities are very supportive of their MPA and the safeguarding of their fishing ground from poachers.
Ecological Benefit
Economic Indicators used to measure benefit
- Number of trees planted - Number of beaches reforested
Community/Social Cost
Community/Social Benefit
Community/Social Indicators used to measure benefit
Economic Benefit
- Additional income anticipated from newly established pineapple plantation - No expenses for purchase of vegetables
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
After the island was badly affected by the cyclone in December, 2012, the community concentrated on rehabilitating the village and building their houses so it has been a challenge for the facilitators to implement more activities on the island. Fortunately, the project committee and rangers continued to implement the project ensuring its progress towards the targeted outputs.
Describe the community-based process used to develop the solution including tools and processes used
A climate change workshop was conducted in Yadua Island where community identified risk and threats encountered on the environment and identify possible solution to help reduce the impact imposed. A one year climate Change adaptation project was initiated from this workshop outcome as a solution to the risk and threats identified. Stakeholders were identified according to the activities planned. The main objective was to involve communities for decision making. Consultation was conducted during village meeting to obtain their approval and consensus on the project. Endorsement letter was received from the chief and project committee consisted of youth, church rep, women and men. Department of Forest and Department of Agriculture was very supportive of the establishment of nurseries and skill implementation technique demonstrated to the community members. National Trust Ranger and the project committee have been very supportive which enable the project to progress to date. Women have established their Backyard garden as an ongoing process from the vegetable nursery. They are very grateful of the initiative as it helps them grow varieties of vegetables in their own backyard which they haven?t done before. The village holds a meeting every week where the weeks collective program is discussed. The above adaptive approaches have also been included in the meeting agenda for the last couple of years. The National Trust ranger who resides in the village and polices the Fijian Crested Iguana sanctuary has also been obligated to supervise all activities held under the climate change project. This climate change project by the National Trust began in June, 2012.
Climate hazard of concern
How does your solution reduce the exposure of and buffer/protect the ecosystem affected?
Coastal Reforestation program will help stabilize the shoreline and also protect the sand from eroding during spring high tide or storm surge. Growing of mangroves along the shore will control the currents flow, weaken strong waves and its effect on the coastline, and also serve other function such as nursery for fish larvae, etc. Introduction of varieties of crops and vegetables determines the chances of survival for varieties that grows well on the island. Water pipe system have been established in the village where bore hole is used to supply water through the village. A few water tanks were also donated to the village for usage. Bore hole closes during heavy rainy days in to save water while villagers use rain water.
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
The village front and other beaches will be able to protect itself against storm surges. With the wide range of farmed crops and vegetables, there is high chance that some will survive extreme climatic events.
How does your solution reduce the exposure of and buffer/protect the communities affected?
A few families have been relocated to higher grounds after the devastation of cyclone Evan for safety as the village are highly exposed to strong winds and storm surge during cyclone season. Food security is advanced for all families. Each family are now planting at least two vegetables species from nil, and three crops with at least 3 varieties of each.
How does your solution reduce the sensitivity of the communities affected?
With improved knowledge on climate change and its effects, the villagers are bound to make wiser decisions for example building houses on higher ground, controlling their harvest to last the hurricane seasons and droughts. Their preparation towards an approaching weather will be conducted with confidence.
How has your solution increased the capacity of local communities to adapt to potential climate changes?
The villagers are now collectively putting together management plans for fisheries, coastal areas and code of conduct for farming practices to ensure that these plans will be followed by future generations.
Can this solution be replicated elsewhere?
We have plans to replicate this project in other National Trust site, especially those situated on the coast. Community involvement is a major requisite for the project to be successful. To ensure its continuous progress, it is recommended that certain members of the community are chosen and trained to supervise and ensure the continuity of the project. An innovative item of the project is the incorporation of these activities into general village activities, including it in weekly meetings with the village headman including it in his monthly reports to the provincial administration. Another item, is the building of a nursery in the village school, with a teacher trained to manage the nursery and school children, as part of their learning, to conduct the necessary activities involved in running the nursery and transplanting of plants.