Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project
An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: South America
Fondes Amandes Hills
Port of Spain
Trinidad & Tobago
Population impacted
187 acres
Major Occupations
Local resources the community depends on, and for what purpose
Local threats to resources
Climate Hazards
Level of sensitivity
Level of adaptive capacity
Results from this Model for Community Members; Skilled community personnel in environmental managing, disaster mitigation and rehabilitation Trained community eco-tour guides Increased employment in the community (40 persons, 60% female 40% male of which 50% is a youth population) Expert community forest and bush fire fighters Trained members in animal husbandry and wild life conservation Greater Community Pride and love for the Environment Greener and healthier forest Change in farming practices from unsustainable crops to long term agricultural practices as well as the use of rain water harvesting mechanisms
Ecological Costs
Ecological Benefit
Economic Indicators used to measure benefit
Sighting of wildlife, sighting of increase water tributaries along the main Fondes Amandes River, greened and cooler environment, forest canopy where there was once burnt out grass lands and the non existence of fires since 1997.
Community/Social Cost
Community/Social Benefit
Community/Social Indicators used to measure benefit
Economic Cost
Huge cost, as a large percentage of our grant funding goes into training and capacity building, training new members in various aspects of watershed management.
Economic Benefit
Additional income as more persons are now employed Members work in the community so no transport or expensive clothing expenditure is forgone by employees Eco-tours, both educational and leisure is another way of generating income for members of the community using the green and attractive environment as a source of green business
Ecological Indicators used to measure benefit
During the period 2008 to 2010 there was a huge increase in purchases of house hold items, we are aware of this not trough surveys but due to the request of job letters to companies which is required to purchase items on 'hire purchase'. However the past few years due to funding challenges employes are now subjected to many cutbacks.
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
Funding to retain staff as well as to hire permanent management staff. Currently there is a heavy burden placed on the Jaramogi family members which are the founding members and offspring to conduct the activities on a voluntary to ensure the work of the NGO does not go in vain regardless of the funding challenges. Although this is a drastic sacrifice any family and community can make for the preservation of the watershed in mitigating disasters and the impact of climate change the positive results are overwhelming which keeps us all motivated.
Describe the community-based process used to develop the solution including tools and processes used
Founded in 1982 by the late Tacuma Jaramogi and Akilah Jaramogi as a response to the annual threat of forest and bush fires. Over a number of years we were able to developed a successful ?Community Forestry? Model. This model took many years to develop, many trials and learning from things that could have gone better, see the following initiatives we too in developing this model which we thing is in critical in developing our "Community Forestry Model". Empowering and building the capacity of community members to manage their natural resources Continued Investment in practical training and personal development programmes Allow members to actively participate in the planning activities Creating Employment Engaging in Community building activities Consistency in work, volunteerism and networking Seeking grants and funding Becoming officially Registered with the�Ministry of Legal Affairs under the Companies Act as a Non Profit Company ? registration number F2353(95)
Climate hazard of concern
How does your solution reduce the exposure of and buffer/protect the ecosystem affected?
Benefits of Community Forestry for the Environment and T&T; Fire free since in Fondes Amandes 1997 Our team patrols the watershed each year with or without a living wage to fight these fires risking life and limb to ensure all the protected areas remains green and pristine Reduction in flooding since 1994 Created and protecting a healthy eco-system in the hills of St. Ann?s, Port of Spain by planting over 60,000 seedling Educating Schools since 1997 directly impacting over 3,000 students annually Participating in Public Educational Outreach, reaching out to over 15,000 persons annually Inspiring other communities in T&T and the region due to the successes of this model Successful Clean Trees Organic Nursery producing an annual stock of over 5000 seedlings of varied tree species which facilitates tree planting activities in the Watershed as well as to sell and generate income
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
The Watershed is now transformed from a fire climax zone to a healthy and thriving eco-system. The river is now more full life. Many trees that were planting is now acting as wind breakers on the steep slopes. The hillside run-off is now less and this issue of flooding is non-existent in the community. With more trees and a canopy continuously increasing in hight its more irresistible to wild life.
How does your solution reduce the exposure of and buffer/protect the communities affected?
Great buffer has been created as we no longer fight fires in our communities but we fight these fires in neighboring communities before they can be a threat to our direct environment and by extension the entire St. Ann's Watershed. So much so that during the dry season neighboring communities often call us when they sight a fire for help or NGOs call us for training as well as participate in our forums at out FACRP Resource Centre.
How does your solution reduce the sensitivity of the communities affected?
The Watershed is a very hilly and green one, with communities living on the foot hills and parts of the hills, recurring fires would mean a direct threat to property, life, access to homes, flooding. However since 1994 there has been no drastic floods in the community following the 1993 flood which resulted in the tragic death of 3 community members, loss of lives, homes, businesses, livelihoods, schools were shut down for weeks etc. We at FACRP are proud to develop an initiative which has directly impacted on the positive change within the watershed.
How has your solution increased the capacity of local communities to adapt to potential climate changes?
Rainwater Harvesting and Forest Fire mitigation practices such as cutting fire traces and an all round fire watch and patrol effort to curb fires quickly through early detection and suppression is as a direct result of the training and capacity building in the community which has enabled them to adapt to the changes in climate especially in the dry season period.
Can this solution be replicated elsewhere?
Yes, in many parts of Trinidad and Tobago that are at risk of the annual fires in the dry season. Funding and community leadership will make it successful. Some communities are currently trying this approach but finding and payment to watershed managers is minute as the work is always under-valued in T&T Our solution is innovate due the high importance we place on community knowledge and our implementation methods of our "sustainable community forestry initiative" See our website: See our facebook: