An Overview Of Our Solution
The Plateau des Batéké is a vast expanse of land solicited by farmers who want to invest in the agriculture sector. Local people who have mainly only this activity as a source of income are faced with a low yield problem. Very frequently, yields are very low due to the poor nature of the soil.As a result of poor soil fertility in the savannahs, local communities favor patches of forest for agriculture and target these forests for fuel wood collection. Due to the patchy nature of the forest resource, women must travel long distances to obtain fuel wood.
- Population Impacted: 10 000 000 peoples
- Continent: Africa
Last name
Organization type
Context Analysis
The Plateau des Batéké is a vast expanse of land solicited by farmers who want to invest in the agriculture sector. Local people who have mainly only this activity as a source of income are faced with a low yield problem. Very frequently, yields are very low due to the poor nature of the soil In order to avoid the decline in the supply of agricultural products in the Kinshasa markets and in view of the large volume of demand for food products in Kinshasa, it is essential to adopt new techniques to facilitate the increase in the yield of agricultural areas in the vicinity of the city centre.we want to Contribute to the fight against poverty and deforestation in the savannah of the plateau of Batéké.
Describe the technical solution you wanted the target audience to adopt
In order to avoid the decline in the supply of agricultural products in the Kinshasa markets and in view of the large volume of demand for food products in Kinshasa, It is essential to tackle both causes of deforestation, as well as to improve the livelihoods of local communities,We are implementing agroforestry projects that combine food crops with the provision of fuel wood on the Bateke Plateau .we want to Contribute to the fight against poverty and deforestation in the savannah of the plateau of Batéké.
Type of intervention
Describe your behavioral intervention
Our compagny is focused to improve Agroforesty in Plateau de Bateke Agroforestry is climate smart agriculture that contributes to the fight against deforestation, the improvement of soil fertility and the increase in agricultural production. The trees set up will play the function of controlling the emission of greenhouse gases because the forest biomass will capture carbon dioxide (CO2), fix the carbon in the plant and release the oxygen
As needed, please explain the type of intervention in more detail
The methodology pursued is the framing of the Agropreneurs for an area of 40 hectares each left in two juxtaposed blocks of 20 hectares for eucalyptus citriodora and 20 hectares for Acacia sp. Agroforestry will be an operational technique because Acacia sp, a legume with strong power to reduce soil degradation, is also exploited. The two forest species will be associated with food crops to give income in the first two years of the project. We are using the model to incorporates traditional crops and fast growing tree species of agroforestry The system is based around crops that are cultivated together but that mature at different stages, in order to satisfy short, medium and long term needs. Trees such as Acacia auriculiformis (a leguminous tree which is valued for fuel wood) are plated in rows with wide spacing, while cassava and peanuts are planted between the rows. The peanuts are harvested after 4-6 months, providing short term revenue to the community. Cassava matures after 12-14 months, at which point the trees are already forming a closed canopy over the plantationTrees such as Acacia sp (a leguminous tree which is valued for fuel wood) are plated in rows with wide spacing
Describe your implementation
The objective of our company is the supply of the city of Kinshasa woodfuel of good quality and affordable good quality charcoal. The production of charcoal will enable the Kinshasa population to obtain financial means to meet other socio-economic needs (schooling of children, variation of food, medical care, etc.). The population will be entitled to a good quality charcoal and a relatively low price and food products derived from more and more of an agricultural practice without the use of chemical fertilizers.And also the commercialization of the essential oil of Eucalyptus citriodora in local and international pharmaceutical and medicine market. So that we will not only be able to reduce the price (B2B or B2C ) in food crops and carbonization, but also grows in fields and vegetation that offers a biological diversity still poorly known and under exploited.
External connections
The keys partners are the local people in the area of intervention; - The perfumers and soap of the city of Kinshasa ; - Local and international pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies; - The Government of the DRC for the contribution to the fight against poverty and unemployment; - The development partner for financing our organization capable of providing real physical achievements of the land; - The international community for the sequestration of CO2, a greenhouse gas.
Who adopted the desired behaviors and to what degree?
SOLIDAREDADE NA MOKILI has been challenge to focus mainly on agro-foresty to fight POVERTY, which threatens DR.CONGO and also to fight against the consequences of climate change and deforestation. To do this, SOLIDARIEDADE NA MOKILI resolves to exploit various agricultural crops across the country, because of more or less 2500 hectares by provinces in the short term in the ambition to reach in the medium term more or less 10000 hectares by provinces in 5 years.
How did you impact natural resource use and greenhouse gas emissions?
we are using is one of the techniques that contributes to the fight against deforestation, the improvement of soil fertility and the increase in agricultural production. we are reducing the practice of culture on brulis and roaming related to the search for potentially nutrient rich land.Our metholodogy is agroforesty because The trees set up will play the function of controlling the emission of greenhouse gases because the forest biomass will capture carbon dioxide (CO2), fix the carbon in the plant and release the oxygen.
What were some of the resulting co-benefits?
the main objective of which is to supply the city of Kinshasa with good quality woodfuel, will also have a positive impact on the environment and on the socio-economic life of villagers and urban dwellers.
On the environmental front, the artificial forest that will be realized with the plantation of Acacia auriculiformis trees and Eucalyptus sp will have a positive influence on the micro-climate of the region, and on the environment. It will also enrich the environment in terms of biodiversity by allowing a good development of many plant species of shade and providing a safe haven for other animal species. The soil structure will also be enriched thanks to the contribution of organic matter and nitrogen fixed by the planted legume.
On the socio-economic level, an emphasis will be put on the establishment of infrastructure essential to the socio-economic development of this region (access roads, villages, etc. ..), the sedentarization of agriculture and villages.
The ecoonomy sustatinability is the commercialization of the essential oil of Eucalyptus citriodora in local and international pharmaceutical market (B2B or B2C ) and also as a non profit organization we will apply in diferent organization which provide grant funding or membership fees to fight against deforestation and climate change .
Return on investment
15k USD , the result of investment will create economic benefits for investors and local communities while contributing to building environmental and social resilience of land-use
How could we successfully replicate this solution elsewhere?
The communities of the Republic of the Congo received funding from the ITTO project entitled "Development of the marketing chain of essential oil of Eucalyptus citriodora". This country's national reforestation Service (SNR) initiated this project as part of the fight against poverty and sustainable forest management. In view of the concern of the international community in the direction of the protection of forests for the maintenance of ecological equilibrium in order to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and to reduce the poverty of rural populations dependent exclusively on agriculture, the donor has recommended for large-scale impact that the project may be regional in nature by integrating the village populations of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This is how the project was implemented by the execution unit (National Reforestation Service (SNR) of the Republic of Congo) with a satellite site just 6 hectares in the DR.Congo located at the Plateau de Batéké.