Solution Search
Solutions to some of the world’s greatest conservation and development challenges exist in local communities around the globe. Many times, however, these solutions remain on the local level and go unnoticed by the larger community. What’s already working must be surfaced and spotlighted such that practitioners around with world can expand their impact as they replicate proven success. Solution Search is designed to do just that. As part of Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment (BE.Center), Solution Search surfaces, spotlights, and accelerates existing solutions that use behavioral science to help solve the world’s most challenging environmental issues.
About Rare
Rare is an international environmental organization committed to conservation programs that benefit both people and nature. Rare recognizes that conservation ultimately comes down to people. So, conservationists must become as skilled in social change as in science. Rare specializes in designing and implementing on-the-ground programs to change behaviors of people that live in and around the world’s areas of highest biodiversity. Rare searches the globe for replicable, sustainable environmental success stories and then trains local conservation leaders to develop and market those proven practices in order to protect imperiled species without compromising basic human needs. Visit Rare on the Web at
In 2017, Rare launched the Center for Behavior & the Environment (BE.Center) to promote and apply proven insights from behavioral science to tackle some of the most pressing environmental issues.
In doing this, the BE.Center is spearheading a movement that is as much about nature as it is about people.
By drawing from the latest research in economics, political science, social psychology, neuroscience and design thinking, and partnering with leading academic and research institutions, the BE.Center is translating the science of human behavior into practical solutions for conservationists worldwide.
Solution Search is just one way the world can learn about these promising approaches. Visit Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment.