Research Centre for Resources and Rural development
An Overview Of Our Solution

- Population Impacted:
- Continent: Asia
No 23, Lane 1, Van Phu urban zone, Ha Dong district, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Ha Dong
Population impacted
Major Occupations
Local resources the community depends on, and for what purpose
Local threats to resources
Climate Hazards
Level of sensitivity
Level of adaptive capacity
Building team adaptive solutions for each livelihood group of community participation -Determination adaptative mechanisms for each type of climate change (temperature, rain floods, rise sea level rise, erosion, drought) -Determination alternatives for livelihood groups ?Determination existing convertiable model - Develop a plan to restructure the convertiable livelihoods -Experiment solutionsof feasible livelihood improvement -Report to assess convertible livelihood model that respond to climate change -Effective, alternative and convertible livelihoods model - Document for academic community
Ecological Costs
Ecological Benefit
Economic Indicators used to measure benefit
increase biodiversity in farms
Community/Social Cost
Community/Social Benefit
Community/Social Indicators used to measure benefit
Economic Cost
# shrimp-rice co-management groups established (trust, and social capital imrpoved) level of information sharing among farmers; farmers and government; farmers and seafood company and other actors in supply chain of shrimp and rice increase the awareness of small-farmers in environment protection and sustainable production
Economic Benefit
- Number of community members attending meetings - Number of community members attending project atctivites - Number of farmers groups established
Ecological Indicators used to measure benefit
- Enforcement costs - Cost of community meetings (with amount) - Job training -Cost to comply with good farming practices
What were/are the challenges your community faced in implementing this solution?
income of the 300 households will be enhanced, and provide secured jobs for about 1,200 people
Describe the community-based process used to develop the solution including tools and processes used
Livelihoods assessment community with the participation two communes in An Minh and U Minh Thuong district Risk assessment of climate change to community groups livelihoods with the participation of community project areas involving community Assessment the role of ecosystem impact on livelihoods who are sensitive to climate change with the participation of community -Establishment of group to enhance their awareness -Disseminate experience through community activities - Plan for livelihood model improvement -Promoting independence of practical livelihood models to bring new solutions - This project establish new livelihoods
Climate hazard of concern
How does your solution reduce the exposure of and buffer/protect the ecosystem affected?
The project can reduce the expose to salt instrusion, up to 60km far from the shoreline to inland; and protect the rice field system not replace by marine water
How has your solution increased the capacity of the ecosystem to adapt to potential climate changes?
and reduce the suffer from salt water effect to the rice system in fresh water
How does your solution reduce the exposure of and buffer/protect the communities affected?
In summary, the project result are expected: - Impact of the mental preparedness to cope with climate change and saltwater intrusion - Summary of traditional experience as well as equipment with new knowledge for the community to find livehood solutions and improvement farming methods toward the new trend - Survey and evaluation new solutions, effective selective model parallel application of communication networks through community learning - Enhace the efficiency of conservation, prevent of ecosystem degradation, reduce pressure of population growth and natural harmony-oriented exploitation. - Support orientation for local planning policy - It will equip community and regional citizen with relevant skills, transfer of sustainable livelihoods in the long term (after project completion)
How does your solution reduce the sensitivity of the communities affected?
Impact of the community livelihood are expected toward sustainable adaptation include: - Sweet rice cultivation, structural changes of salt-resistance - Cultivation of vegetables and crops to change brackish water aquaculture - Structure of rice-wheat color change rice- shrimp - Freshwater aquaculture change brackish - The structure of the harvest season change to avoid the impact of flood - Natural grazing change livestock farm, managing and regulating of temperature, humidity and disease prevention. - Development services that meet cultivated requirements such as distribution of livestock services, trade, transport, veterinary ... - Training and transfering exploitation occupation depend on nature to sustainable livelihoods such as aquaculture, construction .. - Provide employment opportunities for women to promote gender equality basically such as small building indutry model with region materials, ecotourism model .. - Planning sensitive areas to enhance the conservation of ecosystems and mitigating the impact of livelihoods affected areas such as management of forest reprodution, ecological aquaculture, responsible exploitation ... ... co-management model building.
How has your solution increased the capacity of local communities to adapt to potential climate changes?
The solution enhances the income of poor fish farmers, farm conditions, and resilense of the shrimp-rice system
Can this solution be replicated elsewhere?
income of the 300 households will be enhanced, and provide secured jobs for about 1,200 people